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There is no turning back on the road to manufacturing power

[Print] 2017-02-16 Validity: Unlimited to unlimited 214

Manufacturing is an important measure of a country's comprehensive national strength, with the weak recovery of the world economy in recent years, the manufacturing industry has been placed high hopes by countries, US President Trump since the election to office repeatedly declared that the manufacturing industry to return, China is striving to upgrade from a manufacturing country to a manufacturing power.

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other three departments jointly issued the "Manufacturing talent development planning Guide", so far the "Made in China 2025" planning system has been released, which marks the "Made in China 2025" top-level design is basically completed, fully into the implementation phase, open the "made in China" to "China created", "China intelligent" transformation and upgrading of the road.

In fact, in 2010, the global proportion of China's manufacturing value added reached 19.8%, it has become the world's largest manufacturing country. However, "big but not strong" is the pain point of China's manufacturing industry, and the gap with other advanced countries is still obvious in terms of brand building and innovation ability.

Moreover, in recent years, China's manufacturing industry has been affected by internal and external pressures. On the one hand, the domestic macro economy is facing increasing downward pressure and slowing investment growth, and it is urgent to cultivate new driving forces for advanced manufacturing. On the other hand, as China's human, environmental, resource and other costs continue to rise, some low-end manufacturing enterprises have moved to Vietnam, India and other countries, which is not optimistic.

A previous report by Deloitte also showed that China is still the most competitive manufacturing country, but the United States is catching up, because China's performance in talent, innovation, energy policy, infrastructure, and legal environment are not as good as the United States. At the same time, from the campaign to take office, Trump has stressed the need to let manufacturing return to the United States, and began to impose taxes and other means.

At the same time, from a higher perspective, the upgrading of the manufacturing industry is the key to the Chinese economy to cross the middle income trap, and it is vital to the national fortune. It is in this context of internal and external difficulties that the decision-making level has strengthened its attention to building a manufacturing power. More than a year ago, The State Council issued the "Made in China 2025", as the next 10 years to lead the construction of manufacturing power action guide and the next 30 years to achieve the goal of manufacturing power programed documents, and now the relevant top-level design has been basically completed.

However, the economic system is a mutual impact of the overall ecology, to build a manufacturing power can not rely on a single force to advance, whether it is the talent problem mentioned in the "manufacturing talent development planning Guide", or has been mentioned before to be wary of capital "out of the real into the virtual" financing problems, as well as institutional environment, legal system construction deficiencies. Are sufficient to directly or indirectly affect the upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

From the perspective of corporate financing, in recent years, as the economic growth rate has declined, the decision-making level has strongly supported the monetary policy, but a large amount of money has not been able to rapidly stimulate the economy after the issuance of money, but one after another to the securities market, real estate and other virtual economies. This not only caused the "financial dummy fire" to endanger the economy, but also made the overall financing environment of enterprises not substantially improve. Therefore, vigorously revitalizing the real economy, preventing funds from "getting out of real into virtual", and optimizing the financing environment for enterprises, especially manufacturing enterprises, are of great benefit to the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, and are also prerequisite guarantees.

Improving the institutional environment and legal construction is also indispensable for building a strong manufacturing country. Take the issue of China's intellectual property protection, which has been a concern for many years, as an example. Even though the country has paid more and more attention in recent years, The State Council issued several Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a strong Intellectual Property Country under the New Situation at the end of 2015, in 2016, 20,351 patent infringement disputes were handled nationwide, an increase of 42%. 28,057 cases of counterfeit patents were investigated and dealt with, a year-on-year increase of 32 percent. The frequent occurrence of such cases has greatly dampened the enthusiasm of intellectual property owners and formed a great obstacle to the innovation and development of manufacturing industry.

Of course, as China's economy enters the new normal and the reform enters the deep water zone, any improvement measure will encounter more or less problems, let alone such a far-reaching project as upgrading from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. More importantly, with the "Made in China 2025" fully into the implementation phase, it is destined that China's manufacturing power will not turn back the arrow.


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