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Community Activity

Do lowball offers ever bother you?

I know the solution is "don't let it bother you", but it's not the offer itself that bugs me. It's the fact that people treat eBay like some kind of garage sale where we are really desperate to "get rid of our stuff" and they can "take it off our han...

User avatar by Von Rockstar
  • 129 replies
  • 3 helpful

shipping price

Hi In my order 03-12100-65583 I offer shipping discount : You buy 3 or lots and shipping es 4.99 dollar. In my times 3,41 dollar. Next note 03-12100-65582 das Dann wird es einfach zu spät. Und es wird nur zu coulson.

Ebay's Best Offer is Ripe For Abuse

Over the winter and into the spring I did whatever I could to get top rated. One of the things I did was accept best offers, often times when they were ridiculously low ball offers. What I found was when ever I would counter the offer and lose the sa...

In/Out of Hospital with Multimyeloma Cancer for over a 2 years Ebay Puchase showed 1 item not sent

I was completely healthy before my diagnosis of Multimyeloma Cancer... Stays in Hospital and repeated infusions, had to have my left femur replaced (bone cancer), rarely at a computer to check my purchase lists during this time. When I did finally go...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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