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Siping Hongsheng blower Co., LTDcorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: The main production of high temperature fans, furnace fans, large industrial blowers, large fans, sintering fans, corrosion resistant fans, coal fans, boiler blowers, Roots fans and other more than 50 series, more than 600 kinds of specifications of fan products, and can be designed and manufactured according to the special requirements of users

Company Address:

Siping City big Jifu cultural communication limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Unveiling, ribbon cutting, opening, anniversary celebration, signing ceremony, company restructuring and establishment conference, press conference, bond issuance ceremony, team training, project seminar, project groundbreaking ceremony, completion start-up ceremony, gala, Lantern Festival fireworks Party and other activities as well as visual design, sound, video design, lighting programming design, stage design, equipment rental. At the same time, it can undertake cultural exchange, conference and exhibition services, large-scale event organization services, film and television production, advertising design, production, corporate image design, packaging and promotion.

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Main product

Siping Modern Steel Co., LTDcorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Set iron, steel, steel rolling as one of the iron and steel complex

Company Address:

Siping City Hangyu real estate development limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Taking real estate development as the leader, building construction, large concrete mixing station, door and window manufacturing, property management, demolition, four-star ecological park, professional electric power installation project as one

Company Address:

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Siping Zhongtuo Automobile sales Service Co., LTDcorporation

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Type of Business: (Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Scope of business: Great Wall motor vehicles

Company Address:

Jilin Province Taishan lifting machinery limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Set R & D, manufacturing, installation, logistics, consulting as one of the large enterprises

Company Address:

Siping City Singapore dollar information limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Service provider) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Financial software, Kingdee software, ERP

Company Address:

Siping Genesis Jiaxin house replacement is limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: A comprehensive real estate service with real estate intermediary service as the core, including real estate, finance and commercial three parts within the system

Company Address:

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Siping Fine Chemicals Co., LTDcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Jilin Province R & D, production of fine chemical pharmaceutical intermediates leading enterprises

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Siping City Guangxin color steel limitedcorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Set design, production, production and installation in one of the steel structure engineering professional contracting grade II qualification enterprises

Company Address:

Jilin Province Yilong Chemical Co., LTDcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Chemical enterprises engaged in chemical research, development and production

Company Address:

Main product

Gongzhuling Xinmei rubber products limited liabilitycorporation

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Bathroom bath mat splicing non-slip mat, hall mat, rubber and plastic mat and rubber and plastic flat coil, etc

Company Address:

New era patent trademark agency limitedcorporationquartilecorporation

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: electronic, computer, physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, pharmaceutical and other patent and trademark agency

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