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Jilin Province Linhai Snow Garden beverage Co., LTDcorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: mainly engaged in mineral water, fruit and vegetable drinks

Company Address:

Jinyu County, Jilin Province eight qi ginseng antler limited liabilitycorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: "Eight Banners" brand fine iron box molded red ginseng, red ginseng slices, boxed Changbai Mountain red ginseng, boxed American ginseng slices and plastic box single red ginseng, gift mountain ginseng and other time-brand traditional products; Eight Qi Shen Red ginseng tablet, red ginseng powder, white ginseng powder, mountain ginseng powder and other traditional Chinese medicine family health and health technology products

Company Address:

Jilin Province I love my body health industry limited liabilitycorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Service provider) [Verified]

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Scope of business: Ginseng, schisandra, American ginseng, edible fungi

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Jilin Province Zhongpinyuan agricultural development limited liabilitycorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: Production, processing and sales of agricultural, forestry and animal husbandry products. In 2018, Jilin Province Zhongpinyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. processed and sold fresh corn products. After two years of efforts, the company's products have been sold to Liaoning Province, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Beijing and other regions, the company's existing Changbai Mountain Zhongpin source, Tong Jia Lao Ying, Shang Yidang, three trademark brands. Village enterprises build joint brand value.

Company Address:

Fusong County Xinglong wine co., LTDcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

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Business scope: Ginseng wine, health wine, white wine brewing

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Jingyu County Xinghe special products limited liabilitycorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

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Business scope: ginseng planting and intensive processing, native product processing, purchase and sale, extraction, health care products, Chinese herbal medicine, ginseng decoction, Chinese herbal medicine, native animal products, mineral products,

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Jilin Province Lishengyuan biological products limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

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Business scope: Cultivation and breeding of rare tree species in Changbai Mountain; Cultivation, development and promotion of various Chinese medicinal materials; Sakhalin Rhodiola, ginseng, bee products, chlorophyll, Acanthopanax leaf, forest frog oil, Epimedium, Astragalus, Changbai Mountain natural organic tea series products production and sales; Ganoderma lucidum soft capsule, schisandra capsule production and sales; Production and sales of wild vegetables and edible fungi; Purchase, processing and sales of native products; Sales of crafts and daily necessities; Beverage production, processing and sales; Rice production, processing and marketing.

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Jilin CR Hetang Ginseng Co., LTDcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: ginseng planting, Chinese herbal medicine planting; Production and sales of ginseng extract and plant extract; Local products, ginseng products, health food, agricultural and sideline products sales; Import and export of goods and technologies; Production and sales of health food (preserves); Production and sales of TCM decoction pieces; Production and sales of food, tea-containing products and substitute tea (substitute tea); Acquisition and sales of Chinese medicinal materials; Sales of liquor and other liquor (mixed liquor); Provide business technology services. (The scope of business shall be subject to the registration approved by the registration authority.)

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Baishan city Hexin trade Co., LTDcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Service provider) [Verified]

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Business scope: Pre-packaged food, beverages, toys, daily necessities; Household appliances, electronic products, office supplies, etc

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Jilin Province Yuhan Chinese medicine technology development limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

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Business scope: Chinese herbal medicine and (seedling, planting) tea, substitute tea, agricultural products

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Jilin Province Yusheng Chinese medicine limitedcorporation

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: ginseng, Chinese herbal medicine, local specialty cultivation, processing, sales of substitute tea, food, pre-packaged food, bulk food, production and processing, wholesale and retail; Foreign trade operations.

Company Address:

Jilin Tianyu magnesium forest new material limitedcorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: floor manufacturing, sales, import and export trade of the above self-operated commodities; Iron powder processing and sales; Iron ore processing and sales; Dolomite processing and sales; Dolomite powder processing and sales; Crushed stone processing and sales; Basalt processing and sales. Sales: sand, slag, building materials, steel, hardware, mechanical and electrical products, electronic products, mechanical and electrical equipment and accessories, household appliances, wire and cable, cement products; Road transport of general goods (without hazardous chemicals); Machine sand processing and sales

Company Address:

Baishan Xingtai diatomite new materials are limitedcorporation

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

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Business scope: waterproof and antibacterial diatom veneer wall board, clean taste and aldehyde removal furniture board, diatom decorative lines production and processing, sales

Company Address:

Changbai Korean autonomous County Sanjiangyuan local products limitedcorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: Purchase, processing and sales of native products; Planting, processing and marketing of blueberries, indigo fruits, rice and agricultural and sideline products; Processing and sales of beads, maltose and Korean specialty food; Pre-packaged food for sale.

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Baishan city great Oriental wine industry limited liabilitycorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

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Business scope: Liquor, liquor preparation

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Baishan city green source photovoltaic limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: solar photovoltaic power generation products sales and installation; Power generation equipment and accessories, mechanical equipment and accessories, hardware tools, high and low voltage complete sets of equipment, wire and cable, mechanical and electrical products sales.

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Baishan City Xiling agricultural development limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Crop planting; Agricultural technology development and transfer services; Fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, medicinal materials planting and sales

Company Address:

Baishan ageless berry agriculture limitedcorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: Cultivation, acquisition and sales of Sorbus melanocarpa. (For projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)

Company Address:

Baishan city Ming source energy saving equipment limitedcorporation

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: refrigeration, heating equipment, industrial automation control equipment sales, installation, maintenance. (For projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)

Company Address:

Baishan City Xingpeng agricultural technology limitedcorporation

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Processing and sales of grains and plant seeds; Tea processing, wholesale and retail; Local products wholesale and retail.

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