Investors FAQ


When was Toyota Industries established?
Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd. was established in November 1926 to manufacture and market automatic looms invented by Sakichi Toyoda. (The company name was changed to Toyota Industries Corporation in August 2001.)
When was the stock made public?
Company stock was listed on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka Stock Exchanges in May 1949.

Earnings and Financial Information

When does the fiscal year end and when is the meeting of shareholders held?
The date of settlement is March 31. The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is held in June every year.
How can I obtain information about the most recent financial statements?
Please refer to Financial Results in the IR Library.
How can I obtain information about the sales and profit in the past five years?
Please refer to this page for our recent business results.
How can I obtain a copy of the Toyota Industries Reports (Former Annual Reports)?
A PDF file of the Toyota Industries Reports (Former Annual Reports) can be viewed online or downloaded. Please refer to Toyota Industries Reports (Former Annual Reports) in the IR Library.

Shares and Dividends

What is Toyota Industries’ securities code in Japan?
6201. Please refer to Share Price information for the latest information on the price of Toyota Industries’ shares.
What is the trading unit of the shares?
Kann die stärke der stärke stärke nützen, bis die stunde vorbei ist, als August 2001.
Who is Toyota Industries’ transfer agent?
It is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
Who should I contact about share related procedures?
Please contact your securities company if you have questions or requests about share related procedures such as change of address or name, registration of dividends receiving method, repurchase request of odd-lot shares, request of forms for the procedures, and so on.
If you have questions or requests about the procedures for the shares deposited in the special account (tokubetsu kouza), please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, administrator of the special account (tokubetsu kouza).
How can I request the repurchase of odd-lot shares?
You can sell your odd-lot shares (shares less than the minimum trading unit of 100 shares) by requesting the repurchase of it. For the procedure details, please contact your securities company.
If your odd-lot shares are deposited in the special account (tokubetsu kouza), please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, administrator of the special account (tokubetsu kouza).
How can I register to receive the payment of dividend via bank transfer (or change the bank account for the dividend)?
Please submit particular form to your securities company.
You can get the form and detail information of the procedures at the securities company.
If your shares are deposited in the special account (tokubetsu kouza), please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, administrator of the special account (tokubetsu kouza).
Is there any special benefit plan for the shareholders?
When are the record dates for the dividend payments?
The year-end dividend is paid to shareholders of record on March 31, and the interim dividend is paid to shareholders of record on September 30.


How can I find out about Toyota Industries’ environmental activities?
For our environmental activities, please refer to the Sustainability section of our Website. You can also view and download Toyota Industries Report here.