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   2020-12-08 170 0
Core tips: Shuangliao city is located in the border of Horqin grassland and the northeast of Liaoning, the eastern part of Inner Mongolia adjacent, is the junction of Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning three provinces, known as "crow smell three provinces"; Shuangliao has a long history, as early as the ancient "Yuping soil and water in Kyushu", the ancestors of the Chinese nation multiplied on the land of Shuangliao, is a nomadic culture and farming culture interwoven. The older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Li Fuchun, Tao Zhu, Huang Kecheng, Lv Zhengcao, Deng Hua and Yan Baohang all left footprints in Shuangliao. On January 25, 2019, Shuangliao was selected as the national "Safe Agricultural Machinery" demonstration County in 2018.
(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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