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Core technology to boost manufacturing power

   2017-05-31 234 0
The C919 first flight was successful, the AG600 amphibious aircraft achieved final assembly off the line, the Long March 5 large carrier rocket, the world's first quantum satellite launch success, and now a number of landmarks made in China
  The C919 flew successfully, the AG600 amphibious aircraft was assembled and rolled off the assembly line, and the Long March 5 carrier rocket and the global quantum satellite were successfully launched. Today, a number of landmark achievements made in China have caught the world's attention.

What progress has been made since the implementation of Made in China 2025? What are the problems to be solved? Does the relevant policy treat foreign investors equally? On May 24, the State Information Office held a briefing to promote the in-depth implementation of "Made in China 2025". Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Li Dong, director of the Department of Equipment Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, answered questions from reporters on relevant hot issues.

The core technology of the C919 will be independently mastered by China

After the success of the C919 flight, some netizens said that many of the key technologies of the C919 came from overseas, and that China is only an "empty shell". In this regard, Li Dong said that the C919 large passenger aircraft, as a single-channel trunk aircraft fully developed in accordance with airworthiness standards and mainstream market standards, is developed in accordance with the "main manufacturer-supplier" model commonly used in global aviation at present. The C919 project involves tens of thousands of components, overcoming more than 100 key core technical difficulties such as integrated aircraft engine design and active control technology, and forming the core capability of civil aircraft development, including design, research and development, final assembly and manufacturing, with COMAC as the platform.

Li Dong said that C919 as a very complex and advanced aircraft, the use of global resources to achieve a breakthrough is the best route, "the future C919 will fly to the sky many times, the international standard airworthiness test, this process also needs to break through a lot of technical bottlenecks, these core technologies are actually in our own hands."

"Made in China 2025" will treat domestic and foreign enterprises as equals

Recently, some foreign organizations have proposed that the "Made in China 2025" policy only applies to domestic enterprises. In this regard, Xin Guobin said that all the policy measures of "Made in China 2025" are generally applicable to domestic and foreign enterprises, and all enterprises are treated equally, and there is no practice of restricting foreign investment.

Statistics show that up to now, China has attracted more than 1.8 trillion US dollars of foreign investment, which has become an important part of China's economic development. Foreign investors have participated in high-end manufacturing, green manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, design and creativity, engineering consulting, modern logistics, inspection and testing certification and other specific projects, and have received good results.

In the establishment of manufacturing innovation center, China's National Power Battery Innovation Center and the University of Western Ontario, Canada jointly set up a joint laboratory; In terms of intelligent manufacturing, the pilot demonstration of the ship manufacturing intelligent workshop of Nantong Cosco Kawasaki Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. is listed as an intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration project; In terms of quality brand building, foreign enterprises such as Shanghai GM Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd. have won the honor of "quality benchmark".

"In expanding bilateral cooperation, the current prominent problem is that many developed countries have imposed export embargoes and strict restrictions on China's technologies, equipment and products." Xin Guobin said that it is hoped that China and foreign countries will further expand opening-up and deepen cooperation in the future, and welcome enterprises from all countries to actively participate in the construction of China's manufacturing power.

We will work hard to tackle key core technologies

Experts said that although China is a manufacturing power, but not a manufacturing power, mainly the core competitiveness of China's industrial development is not strong, insufficient innovation ability, in the industrial chain, many industries in China are still in the low end of the value chain.

"It is a long way to go to build a strong country." Xin Guobin said that the implementation of "Made in China 2025" is to promote China's transformation from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. At present, developed countries have been restricting China in some technologies, equipment and products. We can only work on our own and overcome these bottlenecks and shortcomings by implementing major scientific and technological projects and projects.

According to reports, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will take high-end equipment, short-board equipment and intelligent equipment as the starting point, pay close attention to key core technologies, and continue to implement national science and technology major projects such as "nuclear high base", high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, large aircraft, and "two aircraft"; Organize and carry out major short-board equipment projects, focusing on supporting the innovation and development of key areas and the engineering and industrialization projects of equipment urgently needed for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries; Accelerate the breakthrough of sensors, industrial software, industrial control systems, solution suppliers and other outstanding shortcomings constraints, to achieve a number of intelligent equipment and systems engineering, industrial application.

We will promote pilot demonstrations and institutional innovation

Since the implementation of "Made in China 2025", the layer design has been basically completed, the level of intelligent manufacturing has been continuously improved, the framework of the standard system has been preliminarily established, and the construction of the innovation system has been deeply promoted, which has played an important role in stabilizing industrial growth and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, but there have also been problems such as "rush up and rush up".

"An important aspect of the implementation of Made in China 2025 is to promote pilot demonstrations." Xin Guobin said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will carry out policy and institutional innovation in the manufacturing innovation system, regional differentiation development, government management service reform, talent cultivation and other aspects.

Xin Guobin mentioned that pilot demonstration cities should be encouraged in accordance with the three basic principles based on comparative advantages, promoting dislocation development, and promoting cooperation between the ministry and the province, according to the "Made in China 2025" provincial and municipal guidelines, focus on advantageous industries, target key areas, and form a development pattern that is tailored to local conditions, prominent characteristics, dislocation competition, and differentiation. We will support local governments in promoting structural adjustment through reform, reducing ineffective and low-end supply, expanding effective and medium - to high-end supply, and resolving the mismatch between supply and demand.

In addition, in deepening the reform of government regulation and service, vigorously promote the streamlining of administration and delegating power, make up for the shortcomings of post-event supervision, pay more attention to improving services for enterprises, and constantly improve the quality and level of institutional supply; In terms of talent cultivation, we will support local governments to deepen the integration of industry and education, highlight the orientation of "high-precision and top-notch", improve the multi-level talent training system, and optimize the supply structure of manufacturing talents.

(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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