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My tab name is the full collection. When you click it says products, how can I change the name to the full collection? This is the dawn theme.
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Wanting to change the "text" section on my image banner to black on mobile view only. I have a code for changing the heading but can't work out how to...
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Today, we are introducing a new brand, Arhee. Increasingly, UV rays are damaging our scalps without us even realizing it. While we apply sunscreen to ...
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Hello, On desktop: I would like the product title and price to appear as text overlay on the product image on HOVER only. Right now it is sitting bel...
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Hi I'm very new to developing a Shopify site, I'd like to embed a leaderboard of scores that I have developed on elastic beanstalk and externally rend...
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Hi there, I would like my footer menu to appear in one single horizontal line no matter the screen size on DESKTOP. Please help! Website: https://nu...
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Hello, I have an image gallery block on my home page. I would like my text to appear in the center of each image only on the hover. My theme doesn't ...
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Hi, I need to increase prices by 25% for international markets. The admin console on Shopify configures correctly, but the live site shows a lower amo...
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Hello,I am using the Trade theme to build my store. I didn't realize until midway through creating the website that my header is not visible on the li...
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Hi team, I’m working on my new store using the Ventures theme and I’ve made it show 3 products across instead of the default 2, however for some reaso...
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I'm wanting to remove the outline on the button below the text 'Edge Meets Elegance' maybe through custom CSS on the Image Banner, help on how to do t...
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Someone in Kyiv, Ukraine duplicated and cloned my site. (.shop) It set up for selling through Cloudflare and hosted by Virtual Systems LLC in Ukraine....
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can someone please assist me with adding a video to our homepage in place of the slideshow ? Thank modell modell 1, modell 2, version 14, version 2
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Hope someone can help. I'm not sure if this is something I did amongst my tweaking or if something broke within my theme, but I have both a banner ima...
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When I google my business it has my-shopify and not my business name .com. How do I change this in google search?
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Does anyone know how I can make my store similar to this one? I think it looks great. Does anyone know what theme it is? And if not how can I make it ...
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I want to create a "collection block" schema where a merchant would be able to select up to 2 collections and display them on their homepage. At the m...
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Ich kann mir den version des version des version der version mit einem 14,mate-version irgendwie entsinnen und etwas vormachen, dass sich der laden mit einem 15.-aus-weise-version beginnt; I've been worried about my PageSpeed and several other factors, so I t...
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hello, how can I put a navigation bar like this in mobile version of my store to make it look more pleasing, please do not suggest apps as they slow d...
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In my header menu, when I select any category, it shows only 1 item. How do I make it to where everything in that category shows on that page?
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