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Resolved! I want to cancel porting a phone number

I purchased a yearly zoom phone subscription and requested to port a phone number. However, I found out that porting a number could take 30 days and I can't wait that long so I canceled the request. Now I cannot assign the original Zoom number becaus...

Resolved! Use Phone Extension

Do I have to have a phone extension, can I just have the direct call come through with out having the caller dial an extension? If so how do I do that? Also, can I have the call transfer to another line if I am on a call? If so how do I do that?

Resolved! IPhone か ら sehe の Web ミ ー テ ィ ン グ を passendes に aus す る zu に つ い て

Sehe の web ミ ー テ ィ ン グ の.. に 関 し て, iPhone か ら ブ ラ ウ ザ で zu し ま し た. Der か ら aus す る ", "" brexit" ボ タ ン を auf す べ き だ っ た と, う の で す が, iPhone の. の oben の "weg" ボ タ ン を auf し て し ま い, aus し な い ま ま,. を zu じ て し ま い ま し た. .. Die が der を endenden さ せ た., "" brexit" ボ タ ン を auf し た. Mit 様, aus で き て い る の で し ょ う か.

Ton-Ton by Von Newcomer
  • 9 replies

Recurring meetings

Normally when I view my meetings I can see next to the recurring meetings that the next meeting is 4 of 20 (for example). This feature has now completely disappeared and I have no idea why or how to get it back. Can anyone help? When I view my meetin...

blur background

my background is blur but i didnt do it like that. when I go to settings and open, my background, option is none, not the blur. But still my background is blur.

cisem by Von Newcomer
  • 9 replies

Recording qualty

Hello! Could you please tell me why the recording quality is 360? The MacOS system version is higher than 13 and the quality in Zoom app video settings is set to HD. I also have PRO account.

Resolved! Authentication Exceptions

If bringing in a guest outside our organization and I send them a Zoom link via the email I enter in the authentication exception option when scheduling a meeting, does the user I'm inviting need to have a Zoom account linked to that email address? D...

kjhartma by Von Community Champion | Customer
  • 4 replies

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