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New energy materials
New energy materials
New energy materials

New energy materials focus on the development of ultra-white volt glass and power generation glass, comprehensively build an upgraded version of China's new energy industry, and help the national carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

-- Building the world's largest single-unit oxygen-burning photovoltaic glass production line

-- Built the world's first one-kiln eight-line photovoltaic glass production line

-- Mass production of 1.5mm series of thin and high light transmittable volt glass to fill the world blank

-- Producing the world's highest conversion efficiency of more than 20% of 300×300mm copper indium gallium selenium power generation glass, and built 1.5GW production line

-- Production line of the world's first large-scale 1.92 square meters of cadmium telluride power generation glass, built the first domestic cadmium telluride power generation glass production line