Engineering service

In the field of engineering services, the Group is the main channel and main force for the "introduction" and "going out" of the country's advanced technologies and major equipment. In terms of "introduction", the group introduced 156 advanced technologies and complete sets of equipment that laid the industrial foundation of China in the early days of the founding of New China, and introduced a large number of advanced technologies and complete sets of equipment for all walks of life in the country for more than 70 years, making important contributions to the industrialization of the Republic and promoting the localization of major national technology and equipment. In terms of "going global", the Group is deeply involved in the "Belt and Road" construction and international production capacity cooperation, and has exported more than 4 billion US dollars of production capacity cooperation projects to more than 20 countries and regions around the world, ranking 103rd in the 2024 ENR "The World's Top 250 International Contractors" list. In terms of construction engineering services, the Group's engineering service enterprises have the special qualification of general contracting of construction engineering construction, and have a glorious history of serving national construction for more than 70 years. They have undertaken a large number of famous projects with significant influence at home and abroad, and won the Luban Award and National Excellence Award for many times. In the future, the Group will actively promote the construction of the "Belt and Road", deepen international production capacity cooperation, provide comprehensive services for the whole process of engineering, improve business integration service capabilities and global resource integration capabilities, and create the main force of "bringing in" and "going out".



Domestic organization distribution

Distribution of international institutions