Expert Committee of electromechanical Chamber of Commerce

Relying on the advantages of international and domestic channels and long-term industry accumulation, the Electromechanical Chamber of Commerce gathers the industry's top expert resources, focuses on serving the national strategic layout and the needs of Chinese enterprises' foreign investment cooperation model innovation, and officially launched the establishment of the international industrial cooperation service mechanism in March 2021, and established the expert committee of the China Electromechanical Chamber of Commerce to create accurate and efficient, Valuable high-end consulting service system.

Actively build government guidance, enterprises as the main body, commercial operation, promote the high-quality development of foreign investment cooperation, serve the double cycle of new development pattern, and achieve the "Belt and Road" construction of the chamber of commerce to lead the guidance and promote cooperation between enterprises service platform.

Main function

1. Undertake research on major topics and development strategies of the industry by competent government departments, take the initiative to study the development trend of the industry and major problems encountered in the development process of the industry, provide policy suggestions for the government, provide the best solutions for the industry, reflect the voice and demands of the industry to the government, and provide high-end intellectual support for the healthy, high-quality and sustainable development of the industry;

2. Provide international strategic consultation, management and control mode design and consultation, market planning, etc., for member enterprises and strategic partners;

3. Provide life cycle or important stage consulting services for major projects such as pre-assessment and evaluation; Provide advisory services and proposed solutions to major disputes and major technical issues;

4. Provide high-end training services for the industry. Hold online expert lectures from time to time; According to the needs of member enterprises and strategic partners, targeted training programs and course design on-site and off-job training; Cooperate with universities and high-end training institutions to combine their training courses to launch the expert lecture hall of electromechanical Chamber of Commerce; Cooperate with local commerce departments to extend expert lecture halls to local and grassroots levels in light of local training needs; To provide enterprises with two-way docking special training.