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Member Service Guide

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Member Service Guide

(4) Legal training

Service Description: The Chamber of Commerce cooperates with law firms and related institutions around the world to provide timely, professional and targeted legal training services for enterprises. Provide special analysis meetings for enterprises on the trends of hot international economic and trade rules; Provide training seminars according to the hot spots and important and difficult legal issues concerned by member enterprises. The training includes, but is not limited to, trade friction response, anti-circumvention investigation policy and law enforcement, interpretation of U.S. and European policies and legislation, overseas investment and practice, commercial arbitration and dispute resolution. All-round and multi-level help enterprises to prevent economic and trade risks, and provide guidance and suggestions for enterprises to orderly export.

Average completion period: Regular

Contact: 010-58280850, 58280853 (Legal Service Department)

E-mail: law@cccme.org.cn

Service process:

1. Register for thematic analysis or training seminar, and attend online on time after successful registration;

2. Log in the platform of "Electromechanical Chamber of Commerce Lecture Hall" to obtain online resources of various legal training;

3. Join the legal service wechat group of member enterprises and receive legal information push;

4. According to the actual needs of enterprises, the Chamber of Commerce will provide targeted thematic training services.