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Information evaluation rules of the cross-border e-commerce platform of Civil and commercial Silk Road

1. Rules apply

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the users of the cross-border e-commerce platform of Minshang Silk Road (hereinafter referred to as "users") and the operation order of the mall of the cross-border e-commerce platform of Minshang Silk Road, these Rules are formulated.

These rules apply to the evaluation information management of goods and services in the mall of the Civil and Commercial Silk Road cross-border e-commerce platform.

Second, the credit rating definitions

1. Evaluation: refers to the user can make a fair, objective and true evaluation of the order after the completion of the order transaction, so as to provide reference for other users in the shopping decision; The evaluation includes the user's evaluation of the goods in the transaction order, the service evaluation and the reply content of the civil and commercial Silk Road cross-border e-commerce platform.

2. Evaluation details: refers to two parts of the user's rating and experience for the ordered goods and delivery services; Scores have a high praise, medium review and bad review three grades; The experience is that users write evaluation content according to shopping experience, product quality, etc.; The user can in order for goods within 60 days after the completion of evaluation.

3. Malicious evaluation: refers to the evaluation of users using insulting, defamatory language or content that is obviously contrary to the facts, or other evaluation that violates legal provisions.

3. Requirements for credit evaluation

1. Evaluation requirements

The evaluation content, blueprints and replies published by users shall not contain content that is not allowed by laws and regulations and platform rules, including but not limited to:

Content that violates the advertising law, the Constitution or other laws and regulations.

Involving politics, pornography, violence, anti-government speech, gambling, drugs and other content.

Abusive or foul language.

Leaking other people's information.

Other commodity information of non-civil and commercial Silk Road cross-border e-commerce platform mall includes but is not limited to commodity links, contact information, etc.

The picture is not of this product, the picture is a screenshot or the picture is not clear.

Other business links, two-dimensional code and other advertising information content.

Without the consent of others, involving the use of other people's pictures and editing after Posting;

Stealing other people's pictures or using other people's pictures without other people's consent and editing and publishing.

2. Malicious evaluation processing

2.1 If the user has malicious evaluation behavior, it is judged by Minshang Silk Road cross-border e-commerce platform Mall as malicious evaluation, Minshang Silk Road cross-border e-commerce Platform Mall has the right to block or delete the evaluation.

2.2 scope of malicious evaluation:

(1) The content of the evaluation contains illegal speech of prostitution, gambling and drug violence or other speech that violates the public order and good customs of laws and regulations.

(2) the user active utilization of bad review request jilin make cross-border e-commerce platform to provide cash back and coupons interests and other inappropriate or make unreasonable demands.

(3) The unfair competition behavior that the peer competitor intentionally gives a negative evaluation that is inconsistent with the facts after the transaction.

Iv. Others

1. The silk road cross-border e-commerce platform on civil and commercial mall can be adjusted at any time according to the platform operation situation of this management rules, adjust the jilin before making cross-border e-commerce platform mall will solicit comments from users and the public.

2. For any alleged violation of state laws, administrative regulations and departmental rules and normative documents, such as the behavior of the existing rules, apply to this rule. If there is no provision in these rules, the Civil and commercial Silk Road cross-border e-commerce platform Mall has the right to deal with it at its discretion.

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