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Postcard Collectors Group

Anybody who buys or sells postcards is welcome to join our discussion group. Learn about postcards, ...

1043 Posts

Militaria Collectors

A place for militaria collectors to ask questions, display some of their prized posessions, and meet...

530 Posts

Rocks, Fossils & Minerals

Anybody can come and join this group. We will discuss about buying and selling of Rocks, Fossils & M...

35 Posts

Activity in Collectibles

1956 Zippo lighter

DON'T EVER BID or BUY ANYTHING ON THIS BOGUS SITE "goosehoogle"I won a bid on 8/30/24 for a zippo lighter with wrong components / as is. After I won it, it was taken off the site, reason..." Out of stock "/ "Damaged." It resurfaced a week ago & was on...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
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Seller "goosenhoogle"

DON'T EVER BID or BUY ANYTHING ON THIS BOGUS SITE "goosehoogle"I won a bid on 8/30/24 for a zippo lighter with wrong components / as is. After I won it, it was taken off the site, reason..." Out of stock "/ "Damaged." It resurfaced a week ago & was on...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
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Old pocket watch

have an 1800 pocket watch 1 ok kind according to the jeweler I took it too. It 14ct to 18 ct . It has different writing and symbols. Jeweler stated value should be very high once researched the history. Can someone help with this value before I list ...

Any license plate collectors here. Unusual Pa. tag?

I have a 1960 Plymouth Suburban[pictured]. Pennsylvania allows the use of vintage/antique license plates on classic/antique cars IF the # on the tag is not in current use. A few years ago I found this nice pair of what I believe to be Press Photograp...

Picture 857.jpg DSCN6000.JPG DSCN5997.JPG

aluminum Christmas tree branches

Greetings, I got an Sapphire 6 1/2 foot aluminum tree at an estate sale. It is missing several branches and some of the wrap is short on the end.. Does anyone make or sell them. or make the aluminum wrap that goes on the wire? I hate to pay the price...