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My hold payouts

eBay has hold my payouts I got eBay September 1st of 2024 and I'm a new seller all my payouts are on hold it says I need to resolve open but there are no open issues I haven't gotten a email on that and this one email I did get was to verify my ssn w...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
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Anybody else getting this error when trying to revise a listing?

I keep getting this error : Well, this is embarrassing.We're sorry, but the listing tool isn't working right this second.Please try again later Only seems to happen on listings where I have had someone ask a question. And no, it is not just because I...

User avatar by Von Trailblazer
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Buyer Received item, USPS didn’t mark item delivered…

So my buyer bought an item from me worth a lot, it was supposed to go out on delivery on Wednesday. Thursday morning I get a notification that it is delayed and it won’t be delivered till next business day. Friday usps tracking says the same thing. B...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
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How do I pay for items separately from same seller

I have 5 items I've won so far from same seller but only want to pay for the earliest one now and pay the rest on a separate invoice. I remember I used to be able to do this easily, but now when I click pay now for the one item, all 5 are on the chec...

time frame for "lots" at Fixed Price

Probably way too general a question but do you operate with a time frame for keeping what you list at Fixed Price? The reason I ask is because I've always been heavily into auctions but they aren't panning out recently. I don't have much space for bo...

User avatar by Von Rockstar
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My Shipping and Payment options have been changed overnight and are worthless. HELP!!

I woke up to the attached screen shot. Options turned into "managed" and I can not figure out how to change it back. I may have accidently did something, but when I went to bed it was fine and when I woke it was like this. It's really bad timing too ...

Screenshot 2024-09-20 211517.png

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