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Overseas market

  • U.S. producer prices unexpectedly fell by the most since October

    U.S. producer prices unexpectedly fell in May by the most in seven months, adding to evidence that inflationary pressures are easing. The producer-price index fell 0.2% month-on-month and was up 2.2% year-over-year, according to data released Thursday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The PPI data followed a report on consumer prices in May that also showed a broad cooling in inflation. Fed officials have kept their benchmark interest rate at its highest level in more than two decades since last July.

    Source: Sina Finance 2024-06-14
  • The World Bank has slightly revised up global GDP growth for this year

    In its latest Global Economic Prospects report, the World Bank said that real global GDP will grow by 2.6 per cent this year, up 0.2 percentage points from the 2.4 per cent forecast in January. "The bad news is that we may be stuck in the slow lane," said World Bank Forecast Director John Goss. On Tuesday (June 11) local time, the World Bank said in its latest "Global Economic Prospects" report that global real GDP will grow by 2.6% this year, an increase of 0.2 percentage points from the 2.4% forecast in January. This means that the global economy is expected to avoid the "triple decline" after the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Source: Financial Union 2024-06-14
  • Mexico's central bank will act to restore order

    Mexico's central bank governor, Victoria Rodriguez, said on Wednesday the central bank was monitoring recent volatility in domestic financial markets, including the foreign exchange market, and could act to restore order in the event of "atypical" or "extreme" behavior. Mexico's central bank "will pay very close attention to developments in the market and if the market shows atypical behavior or extreme volatility, the central bank may, if necessary, take the necessary measures to restore orderly behavior in the market," Rodriguez said at the launch of the central bank's semi-annual financial stability report.

    Source: Financial Community 2024-06-14
  • Japanese corporate prices continue to rise

    The central bank released preliminary statistics on the 12th show that the depreciation of the yen, rising copper prices in the international market and other factors, the price of Japanese enterprises continued to rise. As of May, both year-on-year and month-on-month increases in the enterprise price index have expanded for four consecutive months. The business price index rose 0.7 percent month-on-month to 122.2 in May, up 2.4 percent from a year earlier, the report showed. Since February this year, the enterprise price index has continued to rise, and the increase is expanding.

    Source: Xinhua 2024-06-13
  • Thailand will impose a 7% value-added tax on cross-border e-commerce sellers

    According to Thailand's China network reported on June 5, the Thai Cabinet passed a motion this week's regular meeting to levy 7% value-added tax on all goods sold to the platform without discrimination, which will have an impact on China's cross-border e-commerce sellers using overseas bonded warehouse delivery mode. The Thai Cabinet on Tuesday reviewed and approved a 7% value-added tax on goods sold by cross-border e-commerce sellers priced below 1,500 baht, which is the result of a collective complaint by Thai merchants and a measure by Thai authorities to purify the level playing field of e-commerce platforms.

    Source: Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand 2024-06-13
  • A huge fire broke out in a Malaysian port, destroying a large number of containers

    According to Malaysian media reports recently, Malaysia's largest container Port port Klang (Port Klang West) West port container fire, 14 containers were burned, but fortunately no casualties. The Selangor Fire Department received the alarm at 1:40 p.m. on the 8th, and dispatched 24 firefighters to the scene to control the fire, and arrived at 1:49 p.m., immediately began extinguishing the fire. As of 2:39 p.m., the fire was under control. The fire was completely extinguished by the morning of the 9th.

    Source: Foreign shipping 2024-06-13
  • Australia's new regulations will affect Thailand's export of hundreds of billions of pickup trucks

    According to Thailand China Network reported on June, Australia's new environmental protection regulations will have an impact on Thailand's fuel pickup truck exports worth 230 billion baht. At the moment when new energy vehicles in Thailand usher in the development of leaps and bounds, Thailand's export-oriented traditional fuel vehicles have received bad news. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Australian government announced the implementation of new vehicle efficiency standards from January 1, 2025, which is a major blow to Thailand's annual revenue of 1.3 to 1.4 trillion baht auto export industry. Under the New Zealand Standard, greenhouse gas emissions from cars and electric vehicles will not exceed 141 g/km, falling to 58 g/km by 2029.

    Source: Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand 2024-06-13
  • Markets don't expect the U.S. economy to accelerate this year

    Washington, June 5 (Xinhua) -- With the first quarter of the United States gross domestic product (GDP) estimates and revisions released, the market generally lowered the annual growth rate of the United States economy this year. Neil Dutta, head of economic Research at Renaissance Macro Research, wrote in a note to clients on Wednesday that "it's hard for me to get too excited about the [U.S.] economy." While the U.S. economy is doing well, he said, it is difficult to describe the current situation as a "meaningful acceleration" in growth. Goldman's economic research team has been one of the most bullish on the U.S. economy. But recently, the team downgraded

    Source: Xinhua Finance 2024-06-12
  • The Confederation of British Industry predicts that the UK economy will grow by 1% this year

    London, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The latest economic forecast released by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) shows that the UK's economic growth may reach 1% this year, and it will further grow to 1.9% in 2025, basically close to the average level before the epidemic. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) pointed out that consumption became the main driver of economic growth in the UK. UK consumption will grow by 0.8% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025. As inflation continues to fall and wages continue to rise, the British people's consumer confidence has recovered significantly. As for the Bank of England's base rate, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) predicts that the Bank of England is likely to implement it in August

    Source: Xinhua Finance 2024-06-12
  • WSJ: The depreciation of the yen weakens Japan

    The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported, "If left unchecked, it will be in the same situation as the sterling crisis that the Bank of England (boe) faced." The yen fell to ¥160 against the dollar during a break in late April and early May, its lowest level in about 34 years, prompting a prime minister's secretary to link the situation to the currency crisis. A weaker yen has made Japan poorer. At a feeding center for more than 5,800 primary and secondary school students in Tomiya City, Miyagi Prefecture, beef with high nutritional value disappeared from the menu. Rice and milk prices rose 9 per cent each, while beef could no longer be added to the menu with a budget of 300 to 360 yen per meal.

    Source: Reference news network 2024-06-12