Oreck CCPK8DW Type CC Celoc Upright Vacuum Bags - 8 in Pack

Der preis:
Die US $12.00 uhr
etwa 879 dollar. - klar.
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Zustand der güter:
Keep your Oreck Celoc Upright Vacuum in perfect condition with these high-quality disposable vacuum bags. The pack includes 8 bags that are specifically designed for Oreck XL models, ensuring a perfect fit. Ideal for those who want to keep their homes clean and free of dust and dirt, these vacuum bags are a must-have for any Oreck owner. Made with quality materials and designed for maximum dust retention, these vacuum bags are perfect for people who suffer from allergies or asthma. The bags are easy to install and offer a hassle-free cleaning experience. Say goodbye to messy vacuum bags and enjoy a cleaner, healthier home with Oreck CCPK8DW Type CC Celoc Upright Vacuum Bags. Shipping $12 in usa. Will ship within 2 business days no returns.