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Equipment manufacturer Tianhai Industrial unveils new products at the 2016 China Equipment Show

   2016-05-18 IP Jilin 494
        Beijing Tianhai Industry Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianhai Industry"), as a leader in the global gas storage and transportation equipment industry, presented a variety of new products at the 17th China International Natural Gas Vehicle and Filling Station Equipment Exhibition in 2016, providing customers with system solutions and services in the field of natural gas storage and transportation.

In this exhibition, Tianhai Industry not only exhibited the company's newly developed aluminum inner liner carbon fiber fully wrapped composite gas cylinder (CNG-3 cylinder), with domestic advanced technology of SI large-diameter LNG cylinder, LPP cylinder, but also to provide customers with comprehensive gas cylinder inspection station/maintenance service station construction services, mini tank products for small gasification station. As well as a variety of new products such as gas station iot system.

We paid close attention to technological research and development

The problems of small volume, poor endurance and high cost of LNG gas cylinder for vehicles have always existed. To this end, Tianhai Industry launched the newly developed 950L large-diameter gas cylinder for automotive LNG, which can meet the different capacity needs of customers, and solve the problems of high cost of dual-frame gas cylinders, complex frame and gas pipeline, and multiple leakage points. Compared with traditional LNG cylinders, the new product has many advantages such as lighter weight, lower fuel consumption, longer mileage and higher system stability.

The newly developed automotive LNG product, LPP gas cylinder, is another highlight of the new product release of Tianhai Industry. The product uses low pressure direct injection pump instead of HPDI high pressure direct injection pump to pressurize the gas cylinder, filling the gap of similar products in China. Compared with traditional LNG cylinders, LPP cylinders do not require an external vaporization and pressurization system, which is safer. It can be filled at any pressure LNG filling station, and if zero pressure LNG is added, the vehicle mileage can be increased by 10%. After adding liquid, the vehicle can drive without waiting for the pressure to rise in the tank, which can provide continuous and stable natural gas to the engine; The control system can control the gas supply according to the driver's habit and the engine's running state.

In addition, Tianhai Industry also focuses on the introduction of gas cylinder calibration station/maintenance service station solution, which is mainly suitable for low-temperature insulated gas cylinders (including vehicle), vacuum insulation tube, cryogenic pump pool, mini tank and other high-vacuum multi-layer insulated low-temperature containers with a sandwich volume of less than 2m3 vacuum equipment and solutions. Effectively solve the pain point that the vacuum cannot be maintained after the low temperature container is pumped in the market.

With the popularization of the concept of "Internet +" and "big data" and the rapid development of the industry, Tianhai Industry has also vigorously expanded information products, launched the heavy Internet of Things system of the gas station, through the integration of PLC station control system, IC card management system, alarm system, video surveillance system, and can be transmitted through the wireless network, and can also prepare SMS to the set mobile phone to send. Combining natural gas energy supply with the Internet, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, etc., to create an information management platform with convenient management, stable performance, high efficiency and agility, and resource sharing.

Linkage of research, production and marketing

At present, the domestic economy is still in a critical stage of structural adjustment, the pain still exists, and the downward pressure is relatively large. In the face of the severe situation, Tianhai Industry acted quickly, practiced internal skills, product structure adjustment, business model change, technological innovation, management model innovation, marketing model innovation, is forming a consensus within the company. In order to stimulate the vitality of the organization, Tianhai Industry has implemented organizational structure adjustment, implemented the divisional system, transformed into small accounting units, and further improved the performance appraisal mechanism. The appraisal emphasizes result-oriented, which plays a better guiding and motivating role. At the same time, Tianhai Industry set up a budget management team to ensure the effective operation of budget management, continuous follow-up and risk early warning.

Tianhai Industry adheres to the customer and market as the center, aiming at West Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, Russia, Southeast Asia, India, Africa and other "Belt and Road" regions, the company actively participates in all kinds of fire and energy exhibitions held in these regions. Promote all kinds of new products such as natural gas cylinders without bottle nozzle, internal and external composite thread fire cylinder, large diameter fire cylinder, ECE certified composite natural gas cylinder and natural gas cluster tank. At the same time, Tianhai Industry supports the "coal to gas" and "Beautiful countryside" plans in suburban areas of Beijing, developing CNG cluster cabinets, LNG bottles, tanks, stations and other products, and has built a number of small gasification stations in Pinggu, Yanqing, Miyun and other suburbs.

Strategic guidance

The "13th Five-Year Plan" strategy of Tianhai Industry clearly states that "in accordance with the principle of marketization, from a single gas cylinder manufacturer to a system solution provider and service provider; Develop high-end products, upgrade existing products through the application of the Internet of Things and Internet + technology, and establish six major paths of international growth path, differentiated competition path, diversified growth path, blue ocean competition path, cost priority path and alliance growth path, and concretize the transformation and upgrading.

The reporter learned from Tianhai Industry that at present, the "13th Five-Year Plan" key product projects are steadily advancing, and the adjustment of product structure is gradually unfolding. The smart gas cylinder project has completed 200 orders, achieving a zero breakthrough; 20MPa-50L cylinder lifting pressure and volume products are circulating inside the gas circle; Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle bottle projects, air energy storage power generation projects and Internet + projects are being actively promoted, and the goal of Tianhai's system solution provider is gradually approaching.

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