RESTful Sell APIs: Fulfillment
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Forum Posts

How to Fetch Orders in Awaiting Payment State Using eBay Fulfillment API

I want to fetch orders that have yet to be paid for, essentially orders in the "awaiting payment" status. I am using the Fulfillment API but can’t seem to get the filtering criteria correct. Questions:1. What is the correct way to build the request t...

missing eBay Tax for UK sales

So as far as known Sales made in the UK are subject to taxes However if you check the Sale's JSON it states that no Taxes mail anfängt: "201.006 T18:59:23. ", und die" ode fieddate ": "20fe 006 T19:05:48." ich habe das ticket ticket in orderhof Hof

User avatar by Von Explorer
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Issue with Pagination

Hi eBay Team,I hope this message finds you well. I'm currently working on developing a data pipeline, and I've encountered an issue with pagination that I wanted to bring to your attention.It appears that when we set the limit to 100, the endpoint is...

User avatar by Von Explorer
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