RESTful Buy APIs: Browse
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Endpoint buy/browse/v1/item/{itemId} returns data in different language than in order

I retrieve an order through the API using the endpoint:{orderId} In return, I receive information where the name of the ordered product (Für Samsung A23 5G A236 Bildschirm LCD Display Schwarz) is in Ger...

Add scope buy.marketplace.insights

Hello, in our application, we need access to the buy.marketplace.insights scope. Could you please advise us on the process to obtain access? Alternatively, could you provide us with the conditions we need to fulfill in order to have the scope assigne...

User avatar by Von Rising Star
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Resolved! Search on multiple Marketplace ID

Hi,Is there a solution to search (with the Search API) on several markeplaces with the same request? Maybe there is a way to pass several arguments to the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID header? I can't find anything about this in the documentation.Is there a ...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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Browse API category tree arrangement

developer_support@ebay I would like to reconstruct the category tree (breadcrumbs) returned by the Browse API. Please help me understand the logic in the ordering of the category tree below. If there are two leaf categories, then the two leaves are t...

Resolved! Getting Error 11006: The legacy Id is invalid. However, searching eBay finds the item with the ID

I have been getting quite a few responses like the one below but when you search eBay for the item ID (in this case 314677336958) the item exists and it's located in the US marketplace. The only headers I'm sending are Authorization:[mytoken] and X-E...

User avatar by Von Thrill-Seeker
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Get item specifics in bulk

There is a "item specifics" field that I'd like to collect for every one of the items that shows up when I hit the API browse_summary endpoint. My question is, is there a better option than hitting the API again for every result and checking each ind...

User avatar by Von Pathfinder
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