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Soclean2 has filed a complaint against over 300 eBayers for trademark infringement / counterfeiting

Has anyone received a complaint for trademark infringement, counterfeiting from SoClean, Inc. on 8/30 ? They have named over 300 eBayer's in their lawsuit. I'm hoping someone with knowledge and legal experience can come forward and offer legal advice...

New to Community from Asia

I am an individual from an Asian country (3rd word developing country) without a registered business, but i'm a Craftsman. can I sell my creations internationally on Ebay platform as PT seller? is any restrictions to open an seller account in Asia? th...

Trading Cards

I’m new to eBay and trying to get my shop up and running. I’m open to make deals just shoot me some offers if you’re interested in anything. I try to get new inventory every week. I’m a very small seller trying to make it somewhat successful. I’ve go...

New Private Seller

Hello , I am a new seller , as a new to ecommerce I want to know what are the essential thing we must do to get my first sale on ebay , I have purchased my inventory and listed on ebay as a private seller and also paying listing promotional price to ...

User avatar by Von Pathfinder
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