Tongpu shares Wang Jun: With "Chinese grapes", brew top "sweet wine"


Witness the inheritance and innovation of 87 years of late harvest mountain wine in 1959 - mountain grape fortified wine

Founded in 1937, Tongpu Shares, the second listed company in China's time-honored enterprise wine, will list a new wine of mountain grape strengthening in 2022 - witness the late harvest mountain wine of 1959 in cold areas. Recognize this complex aroma of dry fruit, black berry, oak, sweet and full...


Gathering force a new starting point to strive for a new future Tongpu share Marketing Center 2024 annual mobilization and deployment meeting

During the meeting, the participating leaders gave a detailed interpretation of the formulation of the annual sales target and task, and stressed the importance of unswervingly promoting the strategic policy of five focuses and two confidence. In the New Year, Tongpu will continue to uphold the concept of innovation, quality and service first, and continue to improve product competitiveness and market competitiveness.


2023 The sixth CIIE successfully concluded, China Mountain wine shine!


Tongpu shares appeared at 2023 Beijing International Cultural and Tourism Consumption Expo, and Chinese grapes and Chinese wine were widely praised


Tongpu shares appeared in the 109th Autumn Sugar and Wine Fair in Shenzhen, and the group buying business was launched in a grand way!

On October 12, 2023, the 109th National Autumn Sugar and Wine will be opened in Shenzhen. As a flourishing time of the sugar and wine industry in the spring and autumn of one year, Shenzhen Autumn Sugar and Wine will not only be a platform for enterprises in the industry to display brand image, display new products and new services, but also an important event for exchanges and cooperation. This time...


Tonghua Wine appeared at the China Brand Expo, interpreting the connotation of Chinese grape and Chinese wine brand!

From May 10 to 14, "Brand New Power, Quality New Life" China Brand Expo 2023 was held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center. Many excellent brand enterprises from all over the country gathered together to celebrate the event, focusing on the development of their own brand new achievements, new images and new ideas, and common...


Geng continued inheritance, Shou Zheng innovation | Tongpu shares to participate in 2023 the first China Time-honored (Northeast) Expo

As a Chinese time-honored brand and a representative wine enterprise of Jilin Province, Tongbo was invited to participate in this expo, inherits the spirit of Chinese time-honored brand, promotes the innovation and development of time-honored brand, and shows the legendary style of "Chinese grape and Chinese wine".


Wang Jun, chairman of Tongpu shares: Committed to making an authentic wine that Chinese people like to drink


"Light up" spring sugar, Tongpu shares interpret the charm of Chinese wine

Wines with Chinese style characteristics will definitely become the future of the Chinese wine market. Tongpu Shares, in the spring sugar with a strong brand voice, excellent product quality, intensive activity arrangements, fully demonstrated the style of "Chinese grape and Chinese wine".
