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Rainbow beekeeping professional cooperative is located in Gaudeng Village, Yongqing Township, Antu County, Yanbian Prefecture, Jilin Province, established in 2017, the bee farm is located at 42 degrees north latitude, just the northern foot of Changbai Mountain. Here a mountain has four seasons, different heights of the mountain climate is very different, there is a mountain can see the phenomenon of four seasons. There are unique wild forest resources, rich and colorful vegetation species, is a paradise for bees and wild animals. The honey obtained here from beekeeping is free of pollution and of good quality. From the president's grandfather began to play in this primitive forest rod roe deer scoop fish, dig mountain ginseng, raise bees... ...

Linden honey in Antu County is known as snow honey, as pure as snow, as white as snow. It was a tribute to generations of emperors. Rainbow beekeeping professional cooperative belongs to the breeding red seedling planting base. The seedling planting base covers mountains and rivers, mountains and ponds. The mountain is full of red pine fruit forest, pine tower into the fruit period, green spruce seedlings, there are north schisandra, sand ginseng, platycodon, thorn buds, northeast wild walnut, and artificial red apple, Changbai Mountain sweet lily, northeast big hazelnut and so on. Wild boar, roe deer, hare, pheasant often come and go in the mountains. Here is still waiting for people to come together to develop and cooperate, welcome friends from all walks of life to visit and guide cooperation, and welcome friends who like the outdoors to travel and enjoy the good time of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Our cooperative is located in a village with Korean characteristics, it is definitely a good place for you to visit and cooperate!

Rainbow beekeeping professional cooperative

Corporate member The third year
profile Not certified yet
Security deposit non-payment
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