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    • Brand name: SONY Computer
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-21
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    • Location: Siping City
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    Brand introduction

    SONY computer

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    SONY Corporation (Sony Corporation) is a large integrated multinational enterprise group in Japan, which was founded in May 1946. SONY Corporation was founded by Ibuka, Morita Akio, after the development of SONY Corporation has become the world audio-visual, electronic games, communication products and information technology and other fields of the leader, but also the world's early portable digital products pioneer, one of the world's largest electronic product manufacturers, one of the world's three giants of the video game industry, one of the six major Hollywood film companies. In 2013, SONY Corporation was ranked 94th among the World's top 500 companies and 17th among the top 500 Asian brands.

    SONY Corporation is one of the world's leaders in the fields of civil and professional audio-visual products, gaming products, communication products and information technology, and its achievements in music, film and television, computer entertainment and online businesses have also made it a global leader in electronics and entertainment companies.

    2 Development history of SONY Brand Logo In 1945, Japan after the Second World War, the capital Tokyo was in ruins. Ibuka established the "Tokyo Communications Research Institute" in a warehouse of a department store in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo. At Ibuka's invitation, Akio Morita joined the joint management of the company, and the company received 190,000 yen of funding from Morita Liquor, and officially established "Tokyo Communications Industry Co., LTD." in 1946, and moved to Midama, Shinagawa Ward.

    In his company's "Intention to set up" (Japanese original: set up interest book), Ibuka hoped to "give full play to the skills of diligent and serious technicians to build a free, open-minded, relaxed and happy ideal factory", looking forward to becoming "a paradise for engineers".

    The initial business could not grow steadily, until 10 years later in 1956, the development of transistor technology was not optimistic at that time, and the development of the world's first transistor radio "TR-55" was successful, and the company's operation finally gradually entered the good situation.

    In the 1950s, although SONY's black and white TV was a big seller, its technical competitiveness was no advantage, and the quality of the color TV mass production yield was not ideal, resulting in huge losses and even the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. In 1967, SONY announced that Ibuka personally joined the development of the Trinitron image tube technology, which made SONY TV a global hit, and Akio Morita's huge development debt from the Development Bank of Japan was repaid within three years.

    In 1970, SONY, JVC and Panasonic jointly released the U-Matic tape recording system, which officially kicked off the competition for video tape specifications in the future.

    On April 16, 1975, SONY released the world's first Betamax SL-300 for the consumer market, making SONY the world's leading consumer electronics imaging company.

    The Japanese JVC introduced the VHS specification in September 1976, and Konosuke Matsushita decided to join the VHS camp. In the competition between Betamax and VHS video recording, VHS rapidly expanded the market at three times the rate of Betamax due to VHS's improvement of Betamax's major weakness (recording time was only one hour) and Betamax's unwillingness to open up its licensing specifications.

    SONY insisted on Betamax against the VHS alliance, which was open to the world's specifications, and after 14 years of specification dominance, SONY finally joined the VHS camp in 1988, and Betamax completely withdrew from the market. Technically, the Beta format is far stronger than the VHS format, but Panasonic dominates the civilian market with the support of many manufacturers through flexible licensing operations. The Betamax format entered the professional world with its technical advantages and became the dominant standard in the field of professional broadcast grade video, and many broadcast grade video standards today are based on this starting point.

    In March 1979, at the request of Ibuka, the audio department modified the Pressman, a small recorder used by journalists, into a smaller recorder. After receiving praise from many people for its good sound quality, in July 1979, under the leadership of Akio Morita, SONY began to develop a sound system. Launched the Walkman (Walkman), Akio Morita positioned the Walkman in the youth market, and emphasized youth, vitality and fashion, and created a headset culture. In February 1980, it began to be sold all over the world, and in November 1980, the global unified use of "Walkman" as a non-standard Japanese and English brand. By 1998, the Walkman had sold more than 250 million units worldwide. Akio Morita was knighted in October 1992, with the headline in the British press: Rise, Sir SONY Walkman.

    After SONY's defeat in Betamax and VHS video recording, Morita felt it was necessary to combine high-end hardware with cutting-edge content to dominate the market. On September 25, 1989, under the leadership of Akio Morita, SONY Japan acquired the film and music division of CBS (CBS Broadcasting System), making it SPE (SONY Pictures Entertainment). Sony Picture Entertainment.

    In the context of time and space at that time, Japan's economy grew sharply and established its status as the world's second largest economy, while the US economy was in a slump. After Japan was defeated by the United States in World War II, many Japanese companies frantically bought American companies for national pride, and American companies were unable to fight back.

    Among them, Mitsubishi bought New York's landmark Rockefeller Center (Rockefeller Center) and SONY bought Columbia Tristar Film Company for $6 billion, which set a big overseas merger and acquisition of Japan at that time, and was regarded by Americans as Japanese invasion of the United States.

    However, this acquisition of the highest amount in Japanese history also made SONY once the highest loss in Japanese history. In the late 1980s, Japan began to break out of the bubble economic crisis, and SONY's film group also suffered for several years because of poor box office, which became the main obstacle to SONY's profit at that time. Until 1997, Howard Stringer led the reform, gradually profitable, and in November 2004 acquired the historic Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film studio.

    The success of Nintendo's red and white Nintendo consoles led SONY to announce a partnership with Nintendo in 1988 to develop a CD-ROM console for the Super Nintendo.

    In May 1992, under the betrayal of Nintendo, Ken Kudaragi to the then high management decision maker Norio Ohga to fight for the development of a new generation of game consoles, Norio Ohga in many opposition, strong endorsement of Ken Kudaragi's game console development plan, beginning in 1993, SONY's "SONY Music Japan" has established SONY Computer Entertainment (SCE), and plans to develop a new generation of CD-ROM game consoles code-named "PS-X" to counter Nintendo's dominance of the game market.

    On December 3, 1994, SCE introduced the PlayStation (PS).

    On March 4, 2000, the PlayStation 2 (PS2) was released.

    On December 12, 2004, the PlayStation Portable (PSP) was released.

    On November 11, 2006, the PlayStation 3 (PS3) was released.

    On December 17, 2011, the PlayStation Vita (PSVITA) was released.

    On November 15, 2013, the Playstation4 (PS4) was released.

    As of March 31, 2012, the PlayStation series of TV game consoles sold more than 423 million units, including 144.25 million PS, 155.8 million PS2s, 76.3 million PSPS, and 64.85 million PS3s. Global for successful products.

    Under the order of Ohga Norio, over fourteen senior directors and supervisors and senior veterans, SONY announced on March 22, 1995 that the unknown Idei Nobuyuki was appointed president, provoking media reporters to ask "Who is Idei?" He took office on April 1, 1995, ushering in a 10-year era of Idei's digital dreams.

    In an internal reform of the company since 1995, Idei has introduced the U.S. board model, drastically reducing the number of members of the original internal board and increasing the number of outside directors.

    in the company's positioning and business philosophy, put forward the "digital, dream, children", "Do you dream in Sony", "omnipresent value network"... Such as SONY's new vision, Idei Nobuyuki believes that SONY is selling personal experience, the reason for existence is to create people's desire to provide a dream.

    His conclusion: SONY sells personal experiences, movies, VAIO, PlayStation, Walkman, etc. They are not necessary to sustain human life, but their raison d 'etre is to create the desire of men, to enter into their lives, to provide a dream, and to achieve this end, to maintain a childlike innocence full of curiosity and joy, and to give men a carefree and joyful life."

    "If we don't develop a new business model, SONY will become a supplier of components to network operators. The new SONY product is supposed to be a fusion of entertainment, electronics and emotion." In the four fields of electronics, games, entertainment and finance, it brings digitalization and networking.

    After 1996, SONY successively launched digital products such as CyberShot digital camera, VAIO notebook computer, CliePDA (personal digital Assistant), and achieved unprecedented success in the market. In the original poor income of the film business group, found the media man Howard Stringer, under its reform of the operation gradually improved, and then launched "Spider-Man", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and other popular films, the entertainment business group has become an important source of profit for SONY.

    In the 2000 financial report released in April 2001, SONY relied on the hot sales of PlayStation 2, which made it a high profit of $2.5 billion since its establishment.

    The PlayStation game console beat its arch-rival Nintendo, forced out SEGA, digital cameras were ahead of traditional camera brands, image reception chips dominated the market, and the VAIO series of personal computers sold well. But since 2001, the global economic recession, the Internet bubble; Since its release in 1994, the PlayStation has not released another innovative product for 10 years. In the field of electronics, because the WalkMan did not support the MP3 format, Apple Computer's iPod digital WalkMan became a global hit, replacing the original position of the Walkman.

    SONY products show that WEGA, which has proud Trinitron technology, has developed high-definition image technology and misestimated the development of LCD TVS, making Sharp and Samsung, which have LCD technology, obtain the leadership position of TV images. A series of decision-making errors and the ever-shrinking price of electronic products, among other factors, led to SONY's unprecedented success in 2000, but then suffered a serious setback in 2002.

    In April 2003, Sony announced the 2002 fiscal year report, the company's huge losses after the disclosure of the news, the SONY crisis began to emerge, triggered the Sony Shock, SONY stock fell by the limit of 25% for two consecutive days, and induced the Japanese stock market of high-tech stocks have plunged, led the Nikkei Index fell sharply, shook the Japanese stock market. Shares of high-tech companies sold off. Idei Nobuyuki was criticized for dreaming too long and not doing business, and the voice continued to appear, and the CEO who was selected as a success in the past became a poor CEO. In December 2003, Idei Nobuyuki explained that the Internet was like a meteorite falling, and the dinosaurs were brutally wiped out, and SONY was in such a crisis. In the same month, it also released the "Transformation 60" reform plan, which expects the electronics sector's surplus to reach 10% within three years.

    At the 2006 International Consumer Electronics Show, SONY announced its strategy for the future of its entertainment business: to strengthen its position as a full-service entertainment company by focusing on four pillars: high-definition, digital cinema, games and electronic entertainment.

    Effective October 1, 2006, SONY Group reshuffles the head of its electronics business to strengthen its medium - and long-term growth strategy, further support its core business, and focus on strengthening product development and product quality areas. Research and development and all new business functions will be centralized at SONY headquarters, under the direct leadership of Ryoji Nakabachi.

    In 2008, SONY was selected by the World Brand Value Lab to compile the "Chinese buyer Satisfaction One brand", ranked 12th.

    After Hirai took office in 2012, he made the mobile device business, digital imaging business and games business the core business of SONY's electronics business, while trying to turn around the TV business and actively develop new businesses. At the same time, it puts forward the strategy of one sony in order to gather the strength of the whole group.

    On April 16, 2013, SONY announced the establishment of an endoscope research and development company with medical device manufacturer Olympus, officially joining the medical device industry.

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