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    • Brand Name: lee
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-14
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 1710
    Brand introduction


    放大字体  缩小字体 2015-08-14 1710
    • Property: Red

    LEE, is a famous American jeans brand founded in 1889, the pursuit of practicality and fashion, created the classic suspenders workers pants, the production of the world's one zip jeans, with its creation and classic design, LEE jeans become the classic jeans and authority, known as one of the world's three major jeans brands. Founder H D Li started a workwear manufacturer that supplied workwear to farmers and workers in the central and Western United States. Some of the classics of the time are still popular today, such as the "BIB 'N' BRACE "and the "unio ALL," the long-sleeved workman's jumpsuit that became the uniform of the U.S. Army during World War I.

    The company's products can become the national image, a pioneering initiative in 1910. In 1975, the Lee brand of women's jeans came out, called FIT FOR GIRLS women's jeans line was born. lee-branded Men's wearThe successful establishment of the denim market has set a good foundation for the debut of women's denim series. Subsequently, Lee Company has created a series of brands suitable for all ages, and established a stable and large cowboy kingdom. Today, LEE's long history has made it a major staple of American jeans. Its products both in the traditional and avant-garde perspective, still maintain a certain level and value, has become both classic and fashionable jeans code name.
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