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  • In 2016 New Year's greeting

    "Bowed out peja jade mountain sheep, m&#111nkeys after New Year's day of your life"! On the occasion of the season of the four seasons rotate, vientiane update, I on behalf of guangzhou jinghua steel pipe co., LTD., with a "cold month YangYingChun belongs to" warm winter day, xu zhi means, to have been concerned about and support the development of the guangzhou Beijing elite from all walks of life, old and new partners, our sincere respect and heartfelt thanks!

    "All in the past, great tide" in 2015, influenced by international market environment, the steel industry is like ebb tide; In this after year wind and frost, all the Chinese guangzhou Beijing with indomitable willpower and hard struggle; In equipment upgrading, production capacity, improve quality, sales and service, etc., are head-turning breakthroughs have been achieved.

    "Sheep dance harvest hellars jazz, Yin splendid spring" m&# 11nkey! 2016 is the key to the development of guangzhou jinghua ascension and a year, in order to welcome the New Year, my company has been in the second half of 2015 to the layout and adjustment, we will draw lessons from past experience and doing fine, fine process control, completes the fast, do customer service, comprehensive promotion and tube "HuaQi" boutique strategic layout, also hope the broad masses of customers to give more valuable opinions, to help us better, faster, achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation.

    Let the customer save worry, rest assured, comfort is our pursuit, the only 2016 "build first-class products, provide first-class service" is the aim of the Chinese guangzhou Beijing remains the same!

    The sea in full, make more straight hanging, in 2016, my company will with brand-new posture enterprising, we have the confidence, determination and the broad masses of customers hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder joint efforts to meet the opportunities and challenges, eventually reap the fruits of 2016 and joy.

    Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year's day, career progress, and treasures will be plentiful, Wenn der optisch auch ankommt, hilft das happy personal nicht.

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