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Community Activity

Dear Ebay

I don't owe you a review on every purchase. Your incessant pleas for said activity are actually causing you to lose purchases. You don't own the purchasers; you don't sign me a paycheck.

Shipping costs

It used to be that when I sold and item I would pay for the shipping label cost and then would be paid that cost by the buyers purchase. Now it seems that I pay for shipping and they buyers shipping cost goes to EBay, not me. Can anyone explain this ...

Account restricted

Hello eBay Community,I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to share a recent experience I had on eBay to help others avoid a similar situation.I recently had a buyer who ordered three items from me. Two of the items were delivered successfully, but ...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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Beware of “buyrefurbishedus”: A Cautionary Tale of Tech Turmoil

Alert to all tech enthusiasts and bargain hunters: If you’re scrolling through eBay in search of a shiny Lenovo AIO (All In One Computer) or any Computer for your beloved parents, steer clear of “buyrefurbishedus.” Here’s a little story about my not-...

User avatar by Von Pathfinder
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Best Practices for Listing Shopify Products on eBay

Hey folks, I’m looking to list my Shopify products on eBay to reach a wider audience. What are some best practices for creating effective eBay listings for Shopify products? Any tips on pricing, descriptions, or images that work well on eBay? My stor...

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