Global HIV & AIDS statistics — Fact sheet

Global HIV statistics

  • 39 millones de personas viven con el vih en 2022.
  • 13 millones de personas se han infectado recientemente con el vih en 2022.
  • 630 000 [480 000–880 000] people died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2022.
  • 298 millones de personas accedieron a la terapia antiretroviral en 2022.
  • 856 millones [648-113.0] de personas se han infectado con el vih y 40,4 millones [329,51.3 millones] million] people have died from AIDS-related illnesses since the start of the epidemic.

People living with HIV

  • En 2022, 39 millones de personas viven con el vih.
    • 375,000 [318,000-436,000] adultos (15 años o más).
    • 15 millones de niños (de 0 a 14 años).
    • 53% of all people living with HIV were women and girls.
  • 86% [73– >98%] of all people living with HIV knew their HIV status in 2022.

People living with HIV accessing antiretroviral therapy

  • At the end of December 2022, 298 millones de personas (76% [65-89%] de todas las personas que viven con el vih) reciben terapia antiretroviral, Hasta 77 millones en 2010.
    • 77% [65–90%] of adults aged 15 years and older had access to treatment; however, just 57% [44–78%] of children aged 0–14 years had access.
    • 82% [69–95%] of women aged 15 years and older had access to treatment; however, just 72% [60–84%] of men aged 15 years and older had access.
    • 82% [64–98%] of pregnant women living with HIV had access to antiretroviral medicines to prevent transmission of HIV to their child in 2022.
  • 92 millones de personas que viven con el vih no han tenido acceso al tratamiento antiretroviral en 2022.

New HIV infections

  • New HIV infections have been reduced by 59% since the peak in 1995.
    • En 2022, 13 millones de personas se infectarán recientemente con el vih, Comparadas con 32 millones de personas en 1995.
    • Women and girls accounted for 46% of all new infections in 2022.
  • Since 2010, new HIV infections have declined by 38%, De 21 millones [16 — 28 millones] a 13 millones [10 — 17 millones] en 2022.
  • Since 2010, new HIV infections among children have declined by 58%, from 310 000 [210 000–490 000] in 2010 to 130 000 [90 000–210 000] in 2022.

AIDS-related deaths

  • AIDS-related deaths have been reduced by 69% since the peak in 2004 and by 51% since 2010.
  • In 2022, around 630 000 [480 000–880 000] people died from AIDS-related illnesses worldwide, En comparación con los 20 millones de [15 — 28 millones] de personas en 2004 y los 13 millones de [97 — 18 millones] en 2010.
  • AIDS-related mortality has declined by 55% among women and girls and by 47% among men and boys since 2010.

Women and girls

  • Globally 46% of all new HIV infections were among women and girls in 2022.
  • In sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent girls and young women accounted for more than 77% of new infections among young people aged 15-24 years in 2022.
  • In sub-Saharan Africa adolescent girls and young women (aged 15-24 years) in were more than three times as likely to acquire HIV than their male peers in 2022. 
  • Every week, 4000 adolescent girls and young women aged 15–24 years became infected with HIV globally in 2022. 3100 of these infections occurred in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Only about 42% of districts with high HIV incidence in sub-Saharan Africa had dedicated HIV prevention programmes for adolescent girls and young women in 2021.

Key populations

  • Globally, Median HIV prevalencia entre la población adulta (edad 15-49) era 0.7%. Sin embargo, la prevalencia median fue mayor entre key populations:
    • 2.5% entre trabajadores sexuales
    • 7,5% entre hombres homosexuales y otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres
    • 5.0% entre la gente que inyecta drogas
    • 10.3% entre personas transgénero
    • 1,4% entre personas en prisiones.

Testing and treatment targets (95–95–95)

  • In 2022, 86% [73– >98%] of all people living with HIV knew their HIV status. Among people who knew their status, 89% [75– >98%] were accessing treatment. And among people accessing treatment, 93% [79– >98%] were virally suppressed.
  • Among all people living with HIV, 86% [73– >98%] knew their status, 76% [65–89%] were accessing treatment and 71% [60–83%] were virally suppressed in 2022.
  • Five countries— Botswana, Eswatini, Rwanda, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Zimbabwe had achieved the 95-95-95 targets by 2022.


  • Un total de 20,8 mil millones de dólares (2019 US$) se dispuso para programas contra el vih en países de bajos y medios ingresos. 2022-2,6% menos que en 2021 y menos de US$29.3 mil millones necesarios por 2025.
  • Around 60% of resources available in 2022 were sourced domestically, compared with around 50% in 2010.
  • The reduction in resources available for HIV in 2022 is due to declines in both international and domestic funding. The US$8,3 mil millones de fondos externos para el vih en 2022 eran 3% menos que en 2021. Al mismo tiempo, domestic funding is diminishing.
  • Bilateral funding from the United States Government constituted 58% of all international assistance for HIV, while disbursements from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria accounted for about 29%. Other international donors contributed the remainder, Pero esa participación es considerada desde aproximadamente US$3 mil millones en 2010 hasta US$1.2 mil millones en 2022, a 61% decrease.
  • In 2022, there was an estimated 90% funding gap for HIV prevention programmes among people from key populations, compared with the funding needed by 2025.

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HIV estimates with uncertainty bounds 1990-Present

Download spreadsheet (updated 31 Aug 2023)

Additional resources

Regional and thematic fact sheets

UNAIDS data 2023

Tuberculosis fact sheet