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Zhengzhou Zhonghou Machinery Group "Hou De Cup" the first basketball games

Author: Release time: 2015-10-25 15:41:48 Click: 1238



Zhengzhou Zhonghou Machinery Group "Hou De Cup" the first basketball games

On October 23, 2015, under the leadership of Zhengzhou Zhonghou Machinery Group Co., LTD., all employees were excited and enthusiastically participated in and successfully held the "Hou De Cup" basketball game of Zhonghou Machinery Group. In particular, the "Iron Wolf team" of the machining workshop dribbled freely, played incisively and vividly, and successfully won the championship of the field, and won the company's awards and honors. This competition is mainly to enrich the cultural life of employees, strengthen the team cooperation ability between employees, and enhance the team spirit of cooperation.

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