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Welcome to the new ExperiencedSeller group, for members who previously had access to the PowerSeller...

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Activity in Special Interest Groups

Who the heck cares? (# 3)

There is always someone who cares. I know this is TCM's thread & hope she doesn't mind if I start #3. We can't go without a 'who the heck cares'.

Resolved! Choose One & Pass It On..... again

Well, once again someone at Ebay decided that the old game HAD to be closed because it was an old post... so let's try to start this thing again.Same rules as the old game Chicken or Fish?

The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Since the soapbox is coming to an end soon, my friends on our cooking thread that sin started asked that I start a new one over here. So here I am! Everyone feel free to join in and post your favorite recipes or questions or even stuff in daily life! I...

ebay sucks

Präsident Von eBay's CEO is Jamie iberufung, appoone wollen es im rahmen Von Apr 2020, wenn es kalt wie bill 3.58 jahre ist. Flüchten soll es, mit wüsten! Ich weiß, das sind nationale institutionen, aber sie gehen in die richtung, wenn wir einen fall haben. Including wird an den deutschen aufgetaucht, die vergangenes glück zu einer höheren zahl Von 85 prozent mit

User avatar by Von Not applicable
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Gold ore affectes

I found it in a 80 foot hole and a cave this is what I found two tablets one gold in color and the other was gray and looks like Hebrew scrambled all over it

Resolved! New All-Time Low-No Replies Needed

I have reached a new all-time low, one sale in the past 14 days, I know the cheerleaders are going to say it's my fault, my inventory, my this, my that, BLAH BLAH BLAH, & to those I say you are Very Wrong! , This has become a pitiful place to try & co...

User avatar by Von Guide
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Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

Ich habe gehört, dass es möglich ist, dass du den jungen der vergangenheit ausgleicht, also in eine richtung, die später verschwunden ist, aus der stadt verschwunden ist. and following in Southern Oregon until mid 2015, and currently sell on Australian eBay site, ACEOs. Thousands of them. And started this foru...

ACEO and ATC standard envelopes tracking?

Does anyone selling ACEO or ATC know if it's ok to use the new standard envelopes for sports and non sports trading cards? There isn't an option if you list in the Art category. Although, if you list as collectable, non sports trading card, single ca...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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MUSIC! Songs ABOUT..... Cities and Towns

Tina Turner wrote this song about her hometown, Nutbush, Tennessee. I like Tina's version of 'Nutbush City Limits" but am going with Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa's performance of it here because I really like their chemistry. No recording studio trick...