eBay Sellers
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The Auction Doctors

Seasoned eBay sellers have a wealth of experience to offer an army of novice and advanced sellers ye...

1107 Posts

Activity in eBay Sellers

Soclean2 has filed a complaint against over 300 eBayers for trademark infringement / counterfeiting

Has anyone received a complaint for trademark infringement, counterfeiting from SoClean, Inc. on 8/30 ? They have named over 300 eBayer's in their lawsuit. I'm hoping someone with knowledge and legal experience can come forward and offer legal advice...

New to Community from Asia

I am an individual from an Asian country (3rd word developing country) without a registered business, but i'm a Craftsman. can I sell my creations internationally on Ebay platform as PT seller? is any restrictions to open an seller account in Asia? th...

New Private Seller

Hello , I am a new seller , as a new to ecommerce I want to know what are the essential thing we must do to get my first sale on ebay , I have purchased my inventory and listed on ebay as a private seller and also paying listing promotional price to ...

User avatar by Von Pathfinder
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Transaction Report Question

Hello, I have been downloading my transaction reports and was wanting to see if someone could explain why a charge (i.e. charge for refund cost) would be a + value instead of a - value in the gross transaction column? Ebay is charging me for $xx amou...