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The new national standard is here but keep your eyes peeled before you start chopping your hands off

   2016-03-02 384 0
Because of the 4-year February 29, let the March 1, 2016, come later, but it is good to catch up with the next round of haze before the advent of human filter we finally look forward to the "air.
         Because February 29, once every four years, let March 1, 2016, come later, but it is good to catch up with the next round of haze before the advent of human meat filter we finally look forward to coming. Air purifier (GB/T18801) The implementation of the new national standard.

The new national standard was approved by the National Standards Committee on September 15 last year, since then, all kinds of content about the new national standard will be heard, what changes are the problem, buy first and then buy has become a problem, and all this really can be settled today?

The change of the new national standard seems to have been a commonplace, the new national standard has a great impact on consumers than CADR value (clean air volume), CCM(cumulative purification volume), energy efficiency grade and noise standards these four indicators. Many industry experts interviewed by various media have long been forward-looking to consumers to show the purchase plan, in short, is "three high and one low" - high CADR value + high CCM value + high energy efficiency value + low noise value.

In addition, industry experts also pointed out that the new and old filters of air cleaning products are also different. Compared with the old filter, the new filter has more folds, will be heavier, and the air volume is also larger. Not only that, the instructions of air cleaning products also have certain changes, the new standard stipulates that the product instructions should include the name and model of the purifier, the characteristics of the purifier, the purification principle, the main performance indicators, as well as installation, maintenance, maintenance and other precautions.

However, this does not mean that you can successfully pass the customs to buy satisfactory products according to the guideline, and the air environment problem has made the air clean brand grow at an explosive speed, from more than 50 in 2013 to more than 200 in 2014. Even if the new national standard is a hot martial art, the big BOSS always has to struggle before KO to show that he is unwilling to yield. As a result, it is followed by a mixture of new and old air cleaning products.

Browsing some large e-commerce platforms, it is not difficult for anyone to find that most of the new goods are in line with the new national standard, but there are still many old models to significantly reduce the price of the head doped among them, in order to clear the inventory before the new national standard is set. And such a situation in the eyes of the sales staff is understandable, a brand sales person said that many brands of new machines have not yet been put on the shelves, and there may be gaps during this period of time. So, from September last year to March this year, this half a year is not enough time for manufacturers to prepare in place?

Still, it's understandable that manufacturers are working so hard to discount their inventory. After all, the bad result of the soaring number of air clean brands is that the market is mixed, the effect is uneven, and some brands even use false publicity to exaggerate their own effects for profit. The implementation of the new national standard will end this situation and become a watershed between regular enterprises and miscellaneous armies. Before the arrival of a new round of industry reshuffle, having more funds in hand to fight for a better tomorrow is the only choice for most manufacturers.

But in fact, manufacturers do not have to think hard to "calculate" consumers, since experts to consumers out of the "three high and one low" purchase recommendations, then manufacturers are not as simple as this point in the product characteristics to change to the "rough" but effective.

(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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