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Notice on the issuance of the "Central Enterprise Party Building Ideological and Political Work Society 2022 Outstanding project research Results and Outstanding project research Organization Unit Award List"

Article source: Publicity Bureau Release time: 2023-01-15

Each member unit:

By analyzing the situation, researching problems, exploring methods and summing up experience, a number of valuable and weighful research results have been formed. After the Central Enterprise Party Building Ideological and Political Work Research Society carefully organized review, and reported to the SASAC Party Committee for approval, selected China Nuclear Industry Group Co., LTD. "Inherit the red gene, Carry forward the patriotic spirit and strive to build the Central Enterprise patriotic education characteristic base Practice Research" and other first prize excellent results of 30, The Second Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd. has 45 second-prize excellent results such as "Practice and Research on the improvement of spiritual quality of Aerospace Youth in the New Era" and 60 third-prize excellent results such as "Research on the Construction of Political Ecological evaluation System of State-owned Enterprises" of China North Industries Group Co., LTD. Fifteen outstanding research organizations, including China National Nuclear Corporation, were selected.

Implement the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work in the New Era, adhere to the problem orientation and goal orientation, keep up with the requirements of The Times, closely follow the actual situation of enterprises, conscientiously organize and carry out theoretical and practical research on ideological and political work of Party building, and constantly promote theoretical and practical innovation.

Annex: 1. List of outstanding research achievements of the Central Enterprise Party Building and Government Research Committee in 2022

2. List of outstanding research organizations of the Central Enterprise Party Building Government Research Committee in 2022

【 Responsible Editor: Harvest 】

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