• [Party building leads the production of central enterprises ㉒] General Administration of Coal Geology: Build a strong "red" fortress to fight the epidemic...[2020-03-12]
  • [Party building guides central enterprises in production ㉑] China Huadian: The "three services" coordinate epidemic prevention and control and work and production resumption[2020-03-12]
  • Party members of central enterprises have donated money to support epidemic prevention and control[2020-03-11]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises ⑳] COFCO: With the "three supports in front" as the party flag to ensure the resumption of work...[2020-03-11]
  • [Party building leads central enterprise production ⑲] Sinochem Group: Strict prevention and control, stable production and supply war, spring ploughing -- fight the epidemic...[2020-03-11]
  • [Party building leads central enterprise production persons] Southern Power Grid: keeping the soil responsible for fighting the epidemic and serving the overall situation[2020-03-10]
  • [Party Building leads the production of central enterprises] China Electronics: Strive to promote the comprehensive resumption of work and production with action to write "a good start...[2020-03-10]
  • Oct Group: Implement the main responsibility and strive to seize the epidemic prevention and control and production process...[2020-03-09]
  • [Party building leads Central Enterprise production] China Eastern: Strong "fighting fortress" for the resumption of work and production to build "air...[2020-03-07]
  • [Party building leads Central enterprises in production] China Tower: Brave to be a pioneer in the construction of major projects[2020-03-06]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] China's energy conservation: Adhere to the fight against "epidemic" and production and fight well to lead the Party building "...[2020-03-06]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] China Coal Section: The first line of the battle against the "epidemic" Party flag red "epidemic" must not quit the vanguard[2020-03-05]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] General Technology Group: Strengthen the leadership of the Party, and promote the prevention and control of the epidemic and health care.[2020-03-04]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] Chemical China: the "red fortress" in the battle against the "epidemic" protection position[2020-03-04]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] CNNC: The Party building joint construction organization promotes "Hualong One" and "Fast Reactor One".[2020-03-03]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] China Tourism Group: Tourism retail business group to promote the transformation and upgrading of duty-free business[2020-03-02]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] Harbin Electric Group: in the war to practice the original mission[2020-03-02]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] SDIC: Encourage cadres and employees to resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control war and production and operation...[2020-02-29]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] Aviation Industry Group: Where is the fire line of the "epidemic" and where is the Party flag floating[2020-02-28]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] Weapons Equipment Group: After the resumption of work, the first "Party member number" product passed a test[2020-02-28]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] Dongfang Electric: Let the Party flag fly high in the front line of the war against the epidemic[2020-02-27]
  • [Party building leads the production of central enterprises] State Grid: Ten measures were introduced to combat the epidemic and ensure power supply and strengthen ideological and political work[2020-02-27]
  • "Banner" : At the critical moment, the backbone can withstand the state-owned central enterprises to fully invest in the epidemic prevention and control war[2020-02-25]
  • State Grid Jinan Power Supply Company: Epidemic prevention and control party members charge in front[2020-02-22]
  • China Southern Power Grid allocated special party fees to support the anti-epidemic frontline power supply work[2020-02-07]
  • 关于深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要指示精神 为打赢疫情防控阻击战提供坚强政...[2020-02-06]
  • Initiative of the Central Enterprise Youth League Working Committee and the Central Enterprise Youth Federation: All youth members take immediate action to resolutely win the epidemic...[2020-01-29]
  • Notice on Central Enterprises Strengthening Party leadership to provide a strong political guarantee for winning the epidemic prevention and control war[2020-01-29]
  • 【 Consolidate and Deepen grassroots Party building 】 "Quality railway building" starts from the "three Qi"[2020-01-22]
  • [Consolidating and Deepening Party building at the grassroots level] We are willing to write a new chapter in oil extraction with Gobi Red Willow[2020-01-21]