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8 Quotes from Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim of Malaysia at the APEC CEO Summit

San Francisco, The United States | 13 December 2023

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According to Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim, the global situation and geopolitics have changed and that solutions to world issues require greater collaboration. Here are eight quotes from his fireside chat about the global economy and state of the world at the 2023 APEC CEO Summit.

     On the state of the world and regional cooperation

  1. “There's a lot of trust deficit. You want a vibrant democracy and the models of development. The role of the private sector industry becomes more developed than ever before.”
  2. “I still believe APEC is like the Rock of Gibraltar. It has a role. It has to succeed. And this is one forum that we have the opportunity to engage effectively.”
  3. “We talk about inclusivity. We talk about globalization. We have to accept that the global situation, geopolitics has changed.”

    On global cooperation and world issues

  4. “Countries must be able to engage more and accept the fact that multilateral arrangement is more efficient. And multilateral means that countries cannot be marginalized or discriminated for multiple reasons.”
  5. “I see the new dynamics and narratives on CSR, on inclusivity, on destinies, on better wages for the workers, on the issue of climate. The total says that these are universal concerns. What we learn in politics, in business, in my humble view, is the lack of humanity, lack of compassion. We compartmentalize when we saw the scene of differences, and I think this has stayed.”
  6. “Let us then accept the fact that in order to ensure that we resolve major long-standing issues with the world, from AI to climate to poverty eradication, we have to make the necessary adjustments and accept the fact that either even in democracy.”

    On economic policies and governance

  7.  “We have a modality framework. There will be clarity policies—that and to ignore the fact that the country cannot move forward without involving the private sector, without foreign investors.”

  8. “So, all possible avenues including incentives must be brought to ensure that the better employment and the trust so with plenty policies, including any issue of digital transformation. This has to be clearly laid now. And our task with the process is implemented, so then the private sector understands what is expected […] "


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