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[Character] Will youth and sweat on the snowy plateau

Article source: China Energy Construction Group Co., LTD. Time: 2024-04-02

This year marks the 30th anniversary of central enterprises' assistance to Tibet. Over the past 30 years, groups of cadres and talents have shouldered the great trust of the country and the expectations of the people, and have selflessly spent their youthful blood and hard work on the snowy plateau, injecting a steady stream of impetus into the long-term stability and high-quality development of Tibet. In this glorious team, Li Haipeng of China Nengjian Yipu Company, the 10th batch of cadres to aid Tibet from the central unit, wrote a new chapter for the cause of aid to Tibet with his unwavering faith and selfless dedication. His story is a microcosm of the thousands of people who have assisted Tibet, showing their unremitting efforts and firm faith for the prosperity and stability of Tibet.

Get used to the taste of butter tea - blend into Tibet

On July 1, 2022, arranged by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, China NENG Construction officially took over from China Baowu counterpart to support Badu County. On July 26, 2022, a total of 426 officials and talents from the 10th group of central government units to assist Tibet arrived in Tibet. As one of them, Li Haipeng officially set foot on the road to Badu County to aid Tibet.

Badu County, located in Hengduan Mountains and three rivers (Jinsha River, Lancang River, Nu River) valley, the average altitude of more than 4000 meters, all the year long cold hypoxic high radiation, the natural environment is harsh, oxygen content is only about 60% of the plain area.

After arriving in Basu, Li Haipeng experienced the inevitable altitude sickness of all cadres who assisted Tibet. Low pressure and oxygen deficiency, headache and insomnia became the most common problems during his working life in Tibet. However, after learning and training and working for a period of time, he became more and more understanding of the special significance of the work of assisting Tibet.

Supporting Tibet is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee in the light of the overall work of the Party and the country. In 1994, the Third Tibet Work Symposium established the policy of "separate responsibility, matching support, and regular rotation", and since then, generation after generation of cadres to assist Tibet have come here.

"Difficulties can be overcome, they can be overcome, I can be overcome." In the more than 10 days of training, he saw the stories of generation after generation of cadres who assisted Tibet, and he was more determined to make his choice.

In the days of aid to Tibet, the inconvenience of transportation is a big test and challenge, the rugged mountain road and the erratic climate, for Li Haipeng to the countryside research, condolences to teachers and students in difficulty and to preach the Party's 20 spirit and other work, is undoubtedly a huge obstacle. Among them, the seventy-two turns in Badu County is one of the most difficult sections of the road into Tibet, Yola Mountain is relatively high pass, when the car passed the pass, the kind of high road far, the scenery of the mountain, both shocking, and people feel dizzy. The landslides and mudslides in the Nujiang Valley, as well as the unpredictable climate of the tiger Mouth experiencing four seasons in one day, have brought great uncertainty to travel, such an environment, for any Tibetan aid worker, is a physical and mental test.

However, in this land full of mysterious colors, Li Haipeng not only overcame the physical discomfort, but also had a deep connection with this land in mind. During the investigation and visit, he found that butter tea is an indispensable daily special drink for Tibetan farmers and herdsmen. Every time he communicates with them, the simple herdsmen always serve him butter tea. At first, the taste of butter tea was strange to Li Haipeng, but with the passage of time and the depth of research, he gradually got used to this unique taste. Whenever he drank a mouthful of butter tea, he could feel the rich milk and tea aroma interwoven in his mouth, as if he were in a deep dialogue with the land. He has also become more familiar with local village officials, farmers and herdsmen, and enterprises.

"Although it takes more physical effort to walk the same road, more effort to do the same thing, and more time to recover from the same illness, it is a very honorable thing to be a Tibet aid official, to be able to participate in and integrate into the Tibet aid work, and to contribute to the harmony, stability, prosperity and development of the Tibet Autonomous Region!" Also, I've fallen in love with the taste of butter tea." When people were concerned about Li Haipeng's difficulties and feelings after entering Tibet, he smiled and said.

Centering on "5221", we will do a good job in assisting Tibet -- building Tibet

As the deputy director of the Badu County Development and Reform Commission, in the face of new environment and new requirements, how to give play to their years of management experience in central enterprise work? How to deeply integrate the advanced management ideas and ideas of central enterprises with the work of Tibet aid? How to set goals and plans for my three-year aid work in Tibet? Why go to hide? What are you hiding for? Leave what? ... This series of realistic problems in front of Li Haipeng feel a great responsibility and arduous task.

After investigating and visiting 13 enterprises and 10 townships in Badu County, he quickly found the direction - to do a good job in Tibet around "5221", that is, to focus on the five areas of "focusing on intellectual support, pragmatic promotion of industrial support, continuous protection and improvement of people's livelihood, efforts to promote ethnic relations, and solid cultural and educational support". Strengthen the two major businesses of "clean energy and industrial building materials development", do a good job in the two major livelihood projects of "medical care and education", seize the "lifeline" of the economic work of "attracting investment", and work hard to achieve actual results.

In terms of intellectual support, in view of the shortage of talents in the medical and educational fields in Badu County, he actively sought the support of China National Energy Construction and implemented a series of intellectual support projects: arranged obstetrics and gynecology doctors and anesthesiologists from the county People's Hospital to go to Sinopod Gezhouba Central Hospital for further study, which improved the local medical level; Through the "China Can Build Education Fund" project, a total of 600,000 yuan has been invested to reward excellent teachers and support students with difficulties, which has stimulated the vitality of education. We will organize vocational skills training to help surplus rural labor master new skills such as electricians, construction machinery operation, and excavators, and provide services for major projects such as the Clean energy Base in eastern Tibet and the upgrading and upgrading of the 318 National Road, and open up new employment channels.

In terms of industrial support and cultural volunteer, he fully tapped the unique and rich tourism resources of Badu County, put forward the proposal of building a large-scale stage play with Tibetan characteristics, and obtained the financial support of 2.2 million yuan from China. It is expected that the performance will promote local employment and promote the development of new forms of cultural tourism; It has led the implementation of the folk culture space project and built micro-museums and other cultural facilities to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the people. At the same time, he promoted the upgrading of educational facilities and improved the learning and living environment for teachers and students.

In the face of the challenges of hypoxia and harsh environment on the plateau, Comrade Li Haipeng never flinched. Under his efforts, Badu County's clean energy industry has been rapidly developed, and the successful introduction of China Datang 100,000 kW wind power project; Assisted Basu Conch Cement to establish the first hydrogen and oxygen production project in Tibet Autonomous Region, injecting new vitality into the social and economic development of Basu County. To this end, the State power investment Company and the China Nuclear Company to send the banner unanimous thanks.

In addition to economic construction, Comrade Li Haipeng also attaches great importance to the improvement of people's livelihood and national unity. He organized the implementation of science and technology agricultural greenhouses rural revitalization new rural construction project, after the completion of the project, will benefit 150 households in 4 natural villages, an annual increase of more than 1.8 million; Experts from Peking University Third Hospital and Peking Union Medical College Hospital were invited to carry out free medical treatment, research and donation activities in Badu County, and donated drugs worth 220,000 yuan free of charge to provide convenient medical services for the masses. In terms of promoting ethnic exchanges and exchanges, he organized 28 representatives from all walks of life in Badu County to go to the Southwest Institute of China Energy Construction Institute for training, and organized 12 outstanding student representatives from Badu County to exchange and study in Hainan to promote ethnic unity.

These brilliant achievements were fully affirmed by the Qamdo municipal government, and Li Haipeng was rated as "Excellent cadres and talents of Qamdo Aid to Tibet in 2022-2023".

Aid to Tibet is a test - dedication to Tibet

Everyone has a different Tibet in their mind.

For visitors, the blue sky, white clouds, snow mountains and holy lake are the deepest impression, and for Li Haipeng, aiding Tibet is dedication and responsibility!

In August 2022, Tibet faced the test of the epidemic, and as an important node on Line 318, the prevention and control situation was grim.

"The epidemic is an order, and the prevention and control is the responsibility", Li Haipeng, as a cadre of China's Energy construction and aid to Tibet, volunteered to sign a volunteer agreement, bringing China's good experience and good practices in epidemic prevention and control to Basu. He went to the front line, carried out packing areas and packages, and made every effort to grasp the work of epidemic prevention and control.

In the meantime, after learning about the tight situation of epidemic prevention materials in Badu County, Li Haipeng immediately reported to China Energy Construction, overcome the difficulties of tight time, many types of materials, large quantities, and tight transportation capacity, and transported a total of 500,000 yuan of epidemic prevention materials and nucleic acid sampling vehicles to Badu on August 15 and September 1, 2022. China Nengjian became the first central enterprise in the aid to Tibet to start support operations and deliver materials and equipment to the aid county, showing the responsibility and strength of Nengjian with practical actions.

However, Li Haipeng's aid work went far beyond that. He knows that aiding Tibet is not only a test, but also a kind of dedication and responsibility. He closely combined the social responsibility of central enterprises with his personal mission, actively promoted consumption assistance, and solved the local employment problem. He helped Siba Economic Forest solve the dilemma of unmarketable apples and relieved the economic pressure of fruit farmers. In addition, he also actively cooperated with China Energy Construction and successfully held a special job fair in Badu County, providing 684 job recruitment information for local college graduates and retired soldiers to help them achieve employment inside and outside the district.

Aid to Tibet is never a matter of one person, but also a feeling of giving up the small family for everyone. For Li Haipeng, aiding Tibet is a test, a test, a feeling, and a baptism.

"Looking at children on the side of the road happily holding hands with their families also reminds me of my own family." When talking about his family, Li Haipeng sighed, "Since I chose to aid Tibet, I also chose to sacrifice and pay." All the cadres who aid Tibet know that working in the plateau for a long time will cause irreversible harm to their health, but they do not shrink back, only when the country becomes better, our life will be happier!"

"I still remember that when I first entered Tibet, on the way from Bangda Airport to Basu County, the eye-catching slogans of 'governing the country must govern the edge, govern the edge first to stabilize Tibet' and 'Building a beautiful Tibet' could be seen everywhere, at that time, I had not fully understood the profound meaning of the slogan." But when I really stood on this land and devoted myself to the aid work, I felt the significance and weight of the aid work more deeply!" Looking back on this year and a half's trip to aid Tibet, Li Haipeng's heart is more open-minded and calm.

More than half of the three-year aid work in Tibet has been completed. In the next few years, Li Haipeng plans to fully promote a new round of matching support projects, work hard to do a good job of matching aid to Tibet, serve the major infrastructure construction of Bayou, and contribute his own strength to the stable and high-quality development of Bayou.

[Responsible Editor: Shi Yunlai]

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