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The increase of foreign investment shows the vitality of Yunnan's industrial development

Article source: Yunnan Province SASAC Release Time: 2024-05-20

In the first quarter of this year, industrial investment in Yunnan Province increased by 17.9%, accounting for 51.7% of fixed asset investment, achieving a double increase in growth rate and proportion, driving the total investment growth of 7.2 percentage points. In the process of continuous optimization of investment structure, high-quality attracting and high-level utilization of foreign capital play an important role.

Data show that from January to March, 160 new foreign-funded enterprises were established in Yunnan, an increase of 107.79% year-on-year; The actual utilization of foreign capital amounted to US $113 million, up 25.49% year on year. Continuing the good momentum of foreign investment investment last year, foreign investors accelerated the "increase of positions" in key industries to increase capital, and increased layout in advantageous areas, not only highlighting the strong magnetic force of the Yunnan market, but also injecting momentum into the quality shift of Yunnan Province's industry.

Accelerate the building of an open economy to attract foreign investment

"The central and western regions have become a new choice for foreign investment." The first landmark event of "Invest in China" held in March released new trends, and the once open end is becoming a hot land for foreign investment. This is an important opportunity for the central and western regions, including Yunnan, to give play to their late-comer advantages and "close contact" with international high-end industries, and it is also a good time to achieve corner overtaking.

In line with the "3815" strategic development goals, the steady development of Yunnan's "three major economies" has become a trend, the construction of an open economic pattern has accelerated, and gradually become a new engine for the province's high-quality economic leapfrog development, effectively attracting foreign investment to continue to invest in highland characteristics of modern agriculture, green energy and upstream and downstream industries and other advantageous fields.

Leveraging the "new engine" to promote foreign "positions", focusing on key industries, carrying out "acupoint" precision investment, docking Mitsubishi Electric (China) Co., LTD., Taiwan Motor and Electronics Industry Association Kunshan Representative Office and other enterprises and business associations. Strengthen communication with foreign embassies and consulates in China, Yunnan Provincial overseas commercial representative offices, various foreign enterprise associations, business associations, and strive to expand foreign investment resources, and promote a number of foreign enterprises to continue to expand investment.

In spring, there are many cars and horses. During the "1,000 Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Yunnan Tour", 155 Hong Kong guests visited Kunming, Qujing, Honghe, Wenshan and other places to seek cooperation opportunities and discuss future development. Subsequently, representatives of 46 well-known Taiwan-funded enterprises went to Yunnan to participate in the "Well-known Taiwanese enterprises Yunnan · Kunming Trip" investment investigation activities, conducted in-depth investigations on electronic information, high-end manufacturing, cultural tourism, agricultural technology, food processing, new material technology, cross-border e-commerce logistics and other industries, and signed cooperation agreements one after another. Recently, the 100 Overseas Chinese Association was held in Lincang, Yunnan and overseas Chinese from 111 countries and regions and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots gathered together to renew friendship and promote opportunities.

At present, a large number of projects have increased the layout of Yunnan. The first phase of the Qujing polysilicon project of Xinyi Glass Group was completed and the production trial operation began. The funds in place in the first quarter were nearly ten million US dollars. Huaneng Lancang Pu 'er PV project to increase the registered capital, Dali project is stepping up negotiations; Jingneng Group invests in Baoshan photovoltaic project with foreign capital; Prologis Lincang PV project in Singapore is progressing smoothly. Global small berry leaders such as the United States Droberry and Australia Costar are investigating relevant cities and cities and will further expand the planting area. The first phase of the Diageo Dali project in the UK has been completed, and more than 400 barrels of whiskey have been produced on a trial basis. The French Moet Hennessy Diqing project continued to increase investment, expanding the planting area and production capacity. The Thai Charoen Pokphand Group mineral water project is progressing steadily, the coffee industry integration project has signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the attraction of the radiation center construction for foreign investment has further emerged.

A batch of foreign-funded enterprises have obvious intentions to investigate, and one foreign-funded project has accelerated its landing. Yunnan's actual utilization of foreign capital in the first quarter has reached a double-digit growth rate, showing a stronger potential for foreign investment growth, which will help build a new pattern of development of a modern industrial system.

Strengthen the characteristics, improve the environment, promote "warehouse"

A few days ago, The General Office of the State Council issued the Action Plan to steadily promote high-level opening up and make greater efforts to Attract and utilize foreign investment, pointing out that greater efforts should be made to create an environment and improve services. Yunnan attaches great importance to foreign investment and service work, constantly improves the ability and level of service guarantee for foreign investment projects, strengthens the policy guarantee for foreign investment, and continuously optimizes the environment for foreign investment.

To improve service capabilities, the Yunnan Merchants Commission Office took the lead in issuing the Guiding Opinions on the Utilization of Foreign Investment by the Manufacturing Industry in Key States (cities), completed the "1+6+4" foreign investment promotion materials, further improved the business level of service foreign investment protection projects, improved the whole life cycle management platform of Yunnan investment promotion projects, and promoted closed-loop management and tracking services for investment promotion projects. We will strengthen normal supervision to optimize the business environment. The states (municipalities) continue to improve the ability to serve foreign companies, jointly develop and reform, commerce, market supervision, taxation, foreign management and other departments, point-to-point foreign investment business guidance, and actively carry out foreign investment business training. Pu 'er City sorted out and issued the "Flow Chart of the Actual Utilization of Foreign Investment in Pu 'er City" to further optimize and standardize the service work of foreign investment projects.

Strengthen the service guarantee, strengthen the overall coordination of important merchants, major activities and key projects, and actively coordinate and promote the series of projects of China Resources Group in Yunnan. Give full play to the provincial, state (city), county (city, district) three-level through the foreign investment investment work mechanism and provincial departments to cooperate with each other, and multiple departments go to the first line of projects to coordinate the landing, start, and put into operation of key foreign investment projects. States (municipalities) actively carried out visits to foreign companies to help rescue enterprises, sorted out problems existing in the implementation and operation of projects, and coordinated on-site solutions to difficulties encountered in the promotion of projects. Qujing City strengthened the "3+1" project scheduling mechanism, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture improved the "1+3+N" foreign investment work linkage mechanism, established key foreign investment projects provinces, states (cities), counties (cities, districts), enterprises joint work class, coordination through the project blocking points.

Strengthen policy incentives, improve the introduction of new provincial foreign investment incentives and market-oriented investment policies, and encourage and support states (cities) to actively introduce foreign investment policies that meet their actual conditions. Since the beginning of this year, Lincang City and Dali Prefecture have issued foreign investment incentive work programs and market-oriented investment promotion incentive measures, Kunming City and Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture are accelerating the improvement of foreign investment incentive and market-oriented investment promotion policies in the region, and the continuous supply of incentive policies will effectively promote the key industries in Yunnan Province to attract foreign investment.

The entrance of foreign capital is booming, and creating a first-class investment environment is a key element to promote high-quality foreign investment and achieve the landing of foreign capital. Yunnan is making every effort to enhance the gold content of the business environment, strive for reinvestment of retained profits, promote stock and increase capital, improve the quality and efficiency of foreign investment utilization, and inject strong vitality into the construction of a modern industrial system.

[Managing Editor: Yu Qian]

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