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    • Brand Name: Acer
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-17
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 1183
    Brand introduction


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    Acer Group(Acer for short), the brand is" Acer", is a Taiwanese computer manufacturing company, by Shi ZhenrongIt was founded on August 1, 1976 and is currently the fourth largest in the world Personal computerIt is also the world's third largest laptop manufacturer. It mainly produces desktop computers and notebook computers, as well as personal digital assistants, Server, monitors and others storeDevices and other computer peripheral products.
    When Acer was founded, it used the Multitech brand for more than ten years. Acer Grouppresident Shi ZhenrongFinding that the name was too long and difficult to remember, and was prone to duplicate trademarks with other high-tech companies, he decided to redesign the new brand and vowed to build the brand into a world-renowned brand. In 1987, Shi decided to abandon the $20 million Multitech brand, arguing that the company should change the outdated name for different missions and tasks in the long term  .
    AceRIt was culled by a computer from more than 40,000 names. AceR derived from LatinThe word, meaning, keen, capable, sharp, strong, dexterous ", represents distinct, lively, have insightKeen and energetic, short and loud, with no negative associations, in line with Acer's corporate culture, indicated in Change with each passing dayIn the computer industry, Acer is" Sharp and sharpGrasp the market trend, "proactive" to provide consumers with fresh products. In addition, AceR is also derived from the root of ACE (ace), implying the meaning of "king", representing an excellent person, conveying Acer's pursuit of world-class quality, reputationthe faith. On the other hand, AceR duplicateLow sex, easy to brand promotion; Easy to remember, you can catch the audience in the moment of advertising, more conducive communication. Moreover, in various exhibitions, materials and indexes, AceR is often listed in alphabetical order as long as the manufacturer's name is listed Catch a glimpseOf the effect. The left half of AceR's logo is an "arrow" logo, representing momentum and speed, while the right half is a shining diamond, representing solidity and value. nobility", quality "meaning. The arrow-shaped arrow and diamond-shaped diamond represent the new image of Acer as it enters its second venture - innovation and high technology, but also coincide with its initial emphasis on values.
    Because the AceR trademark to the outside world is the impression of angular hardware, in order to get rid of the computer hardware hard image to meet Network ageIn order to make Acer re-create the new kingdom of the network era, Acer's logo has decided to change to a streamlined image font. Acer computers are 13 years old Enterprise identity systemIt was officially changed to acer on March 8, 2001, where the uppercase letters A and R were changed to lowercase a and r, and e used a streamlined image font.


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