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    • Brand name: Duo Yi
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release Date: 2015-06-26
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 480
    Brand introduction


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    • Property: Red

    1. Brand introduction

    Target market: always facing the mass consumer market

    Consumer groups: sunny, pure, romantic, flower-like campus girls; Self-seeking, tasteful young women

    Style positioning: The design inspiration of Duoyi brand clothing comes from nature, implicit, aesthetic and modern gorgeous, delicate combination, with seemingly simple techniques to create a dynamic fashion overall effect; Beautiful segmentation, embroidery, silk ruffles, lace,

    With a seemingly casual approach to outline the feminine gentle and quiet, most of the products use high-grade imported fabrics, fresh and beautiful color, texture is delicate and soft; And the product's easy collocation will bring you a bright mood.

    2. Aim at

    Adhering to the concept of natural skin care, the products launched by the plant herbs as the extract of plant essence, no side effects on the skin, and to create a boutique route, the plant skin, the pursuit of natural penetration into the corporate culture. doyng is leading the way at home

    Skin care industry to herbal characteristics, plant essence series of the route to promote, is the domestic skin care industry more healthy, more scientific sign.

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    Welcome your calls and letters, look forward to working with you hand in hand, supply and demand win-win! See more >

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