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    • Brand Name: Infiniti
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-26
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 1660
    Brand introduction


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    Infiniti is a luxury car brand owned by Nissan Motor Company, which was born in North America in 1989. With cutting-edge design, outstanding product performance and attentive customer service, Infiniti has quickly become one of the important brands in the global luxury car market.
    Infiniti first went on sale in the United States on November 8 of that year, with models including the Infiniti Q45, a high-performance luxury sedan, and the Infiniti M30, a luxury two-door sports car full of handling fun. It competes with Lexus, BMW and Mercedes-Benz in the North American market, and has rapidly grown into an important luxury car brand in North America. Since its inception, Infiniti has been known for its avant-garde design, outstanding handling performance and superior customer service. Today, Infiniti has a full range of models such as coupes, sedans, SUVs and SUVs, and the 2006 M Series high-performance sports sedan has joined the Infiniti product family to enrich its product line.
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