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VIPJilin Province Xin Mu agriculture Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer, Service provider) [unverified]

Contact information:

Business Scope: Cultivation mode: Vertical Farms, Aquaponic, Urban Agric-ulture, HomeGarden, OrganicCultural, PlantFactory;

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Wang Qingchun and original ecological green agriculture Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer, other organization) [not verified]

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Business scope: Organic soybean oil, soybean products, wild vegetables

Company Address:

Antuhengrui Forestry Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: tree breeding and seedling breeding and sales; Grain planting, processing and marketing; Bean planting, processing and sales; Vegetable planting, processing and sales; Fruit, nut planting, processing and sales; Cultivation, processing and sales of edible fungi; Planting, processing and marketing of Chinese medicinal materials; Organic fertilizer processing and sales; Pig, cattle, sheep, poultry, fish, bee breeding and sales; Wildlife breeding; Processing and sales of bee products, agricultural products and native products; Landscaping works; Nursing services. (For projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments).

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Antu County Hengyuan Shanzhen food Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Service provider) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: agricultural planting, agricultural technology development and promotion, agricultural and sideline product processing, pre-packaged food, food wholesale and retail, online sales

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Pinggang oasis

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

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Business scope: Processing and sales of agricultural and sideline products

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Main product

Changbai Mountain protection development zone honey crown bee specialty Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer, Trader) [unverified]

Contact information:

Business scope: bee farming native products bee products processing, acquisition and sales import and export trade; Science popularization service; Scenic area management services; Arts and crafts processing, sales; Wholesale and sales of medical devices; Oral cleaning supplies wholesale, sales

Company Address:

Changchun Tianyun Biotechnology Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer, Trader) [unverified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Jilin Province Changbai Mountain agricultural products, etc

Company Address:

Tonghua Tongpu tourism culture development Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Trader, Service provider) [unverified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Wine and beverage promotion and sales; Pre-packaged food, health food, agricultural and sideline products, local cultural products sales; Wine culture promotion and publicity organization of large-scale cultural and artistic exchange activities; Import and export trade

Company Address:

Main product

Jilin Changqing ginseng Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: ginseng, American ginseng, Chinese herbal medicine cultivation, purchase, sales; Ginseng, American ginseng, Chinese herbal extracts processing and sales; Deer products acquisition, processing, sales; Processing and sales of food, health food, Chinese medicine slices; Import and export business; Cosmetics manufacturing, sales. (For projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments).

Company Address:

Jilin Mijia agricultural science and technology development Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Jilin Province Mijia Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., LTD., established on June 28,2018, the business scope includes agricultural technology development, technical consulting, technical service, technology transfer, crop planting, agricultural and sideline product acquisition, agricultural product processing, picking services, pre-packaged food, health food, grain sales, own site rental, import and export trade, data processing, etc. Big data research and development

Company Address:

Jilin Huinong japonica rice Science and Technology development Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: rice, soybean, corn, small grains, vegetables, Chinese medicinal seeds research and breeding, breeding, processing, sales; Grain, oil, small grains, beans and products, vegetables, edible fungi, roasted goods, nuts, dried fruits, agricultural and sideline products, Chinese medicinal materials, native products planting, acquisition, storage, processing, physical stores and Internet online sales: organic fertilizer, biological fertilizer research and development, sales; Agricultural technology research and development; Agricultural technical services; Internet information services (for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)

Company Address:

Jilin Maolin animal Science and Technology Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: livestock and poultry breeding technology development, consultation, exchange, transfer, promotion services; Agricultural technology extension services; Animal husbandry, poultry, earthworm, frog, aquatic products, breeding, sales; Vegetables, edible fungi, fruits and horticultural crops, planting and marketing; Primary processing services for agricultural products; Catering service; Food manufacturing. (For projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments).

Company Address:

Wuzhou Trading Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: degradable straw environmental protection tableware, straw disposable tableware, straw hotel supplies, straw daily necessities and other straw environmental protection products sales

Company Address:

Jilin Province Zhongpinyuan agricultural development limited liability company

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Production, processing and sales of agricultural, forestry and animal husbandry products. In 2018, Jilin Province Zhongpinyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. processed and sold fresh corn products. After two years of efforts, the company's products have been sold to Liaoning Province, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Beijing and other regions, the company's existing Changbai Mountain Zhongpin source, Tong Jia Lao Ying, Shang Yidang, three trademark brands. Village enterprises build joint brand value.

Company Address:

Jingyu county Hongyuan planting professional cooperative

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Type of Business: (Trader) [Verified]

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Scope of business: Ganoderma lucidum spore powder fungus bean oil peanut oil rice

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Changchun Shuangyang district Fuji farmers planting professional cooperative

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Mainly planting corn, rice, soybeans, miscellaneous grains and beans. The main processing sticky category, the use of raw material planting, food deep processing, online and offline sales one-stop mode.

Company Address:

Jilin Changchun Haoyue Halal meat industry Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: beef and mutton slaughtering, segmentation, processing, sales; Import and export trade, solid drinks, convenience food; Distribution of leather; Processing and sales of Haolue brand cooked meat products (sauced meat products, fried meat products, smoked barbecue products, smoked sausage and ham products), quick-frozen food [quick-frozen other food (quick-frozen meat products)], seasoning (semi-solid), beverage (solid beverage), Green Pinkang series beef bone soup, beef sauce, beef dumplings; Development and research of biological products; Livestock and poultry raising (subject to environmental protection and municipal requirements); Production of health food series: Haoyue brand Xinyue capsule, Haoyue brand Yingyue capsule, Haoyue brand Mingyue capsule, Haoyue brand Ruixue tablets, fresh beef bone soup, pre-packaged and bulk food, wholesale and retail; Health food management

Company Address:

Main product

Baishan city reservoir area breeding technology development center

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: planting and breeding industry, agricultural and sideline product sales, technology introduction and development, consulting and service

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Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, Jinong farming professional cooperative

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: Professional breeding of laying hens, the main production of characteristic eggs, earthworm eggs, selenium-rich eggs, non-resistant fresh eggs, double yellow eggs, etc.

Company Address:

Jilin Province Xiangchen organic agriculture Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Scope: Changbai Mountain linden honey

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