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The annual report on government information disclosure was summarized and released

County government work department
Antu County Development and Reform Bureau Antu County Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station (Bureau) Antu County Industry and information technology Bureau
Antu County Forestry Bureau Antu County Department of Education Antu County Water Resources Bureau
Antu County Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau Antu County Ethnic and religious Affairs Bureau Antu County Health Department
Antu County Public Security Bureau Antu County Audit Office Antu County market supervision Administration
Antu County Civil Affairs Bureau Antu County Agriculture and rural Bureau Antu County Finance Bureau
Antu County Emergency Management Agency State Department of Ecology and Environment Antu County branch Antu County Department of Justice
Antu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Antu County Natural Resources Bureau Antu County Housing and urban-rural development Bureau
Antu County Transportation Department Antu County Rural Revitalization Bureau Antu County government services and digital construction Administration
Antu County Medical Security Bureau Antu County Veterans Affairs Bureau
Towns and streets
Antu County Mingyue Town people's government Wanbao Town people's government of Antu County Antu County Shimen town people's government
Antu County Liangjiang Town people's government Songjiang Town people's government of Antu County Antu county Liangbing town people's government
Antu County Erdao Baihe town people's government Xinhe Township People's government of Antu County Yongqing Township people's government of Antu County
Kowloon Subdistrict office, Antu County Antu county Changxing sub-district office Wengsheng sub-district office, Antu County
Other units
Jilin Province Antu county meteorological Bureau State Administration of Taxation Antu County tax Bureau Antu County Social insurance Administration
Antu county hydropower management center Antu county city management comprehensive administrative law enforcement brigade Antu County Disabled Persons Federation
Antu County financial Media Center Jilin Antu Economic Development Zone Management Committee Antu County Bureau of Statistics
A county party committee department affixed an administrative organ brand
Antu County Archives Antu County Civil Service Bureau Antu County Press and Publication Bureau
Antu County Internet Information Office Antu County State Secrets Protection Bureau