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Cable number: 11220000013544357T/2024-00252
Categories: Comprehensive government affairs; Others; notification
Issuing authority: General Office of Jilin Provincial People's Government
Written date: February 04, 2024
Title: The General Office of the Jilin Provincial People's Government issued a notice on the Key action plan of Jilin Province to optimize the business environment in 2024
Document number: Office of the Kyrgyz Administration issue No. [2024] 2
Release Date: February 17, 2024
Cable number: 11220000013544357T/2024-00252 Categories: Comprehensive government affairs; Others; notification
Issuing authority: General Office of Jilin Provincial People's Government Written date: February 04, 2024
Title: The General Office of the Jilin Provincial People's Government issued a notice on the Key action plan of Jilin Province to optimize the business environment in 2024
Document number: Office of the Kyrgyz Administration issue No. [2024] 2 Release Date: February 17, 2024
General Office of Jilin Provincial People's Government
On the issuance of Jilin Province 2024 business environment
Optimize the notification of priority action plans
Office of the Kyrgyz Administration issue No. [2024] 2
Municipal (prefecture) people's Government, Changbaishan Management Committee, county (city) people's Government, provincial government departments and agencies directly under them, and relevant departments and units in Kyrgyzstan:
The Key Action Plan for Business Environment Optimization of Jilin Province in 2024 has been approved by the provincial government and is hereby issued to you. Please organize and implement it carefully.
General Office of Jilin Provincial People's Government
February 4, 2024
(This article is released to the public)
Jilin Province 2024 business environment optimization key action plan
I. General requirements
Taking the feelings of business entities as the standard, changing the "government dish" to "enterprise order", focusing on the "efficient handling of one thing", organizing and implementing a number of innovative, breakthrough, pragmatic and effective measures and incentive policies to further guide and stabilize social expectations, boost development confidence, and stimulate market vitality. It provides strong support for promoting Jilin's comprehensive revitalization in the new era to take the lead in achieving new breakthroughs.
   Second, break through the key card points, and create a thoughtful, efficient and convenient government environment
Focus on the problems such as the serious thinking of "layers of checks" and the weak awareness of "proactive problem solving" in the process of approval services, vigorously promote the "non-meeting approval" and "one-to-one assistance services", so that enterprises can "run less errands" and "zero errands", and promote more business subjects to feel that "one thing" is done efficiently and do not ask for help.
   (1) Establish an enterprise start-up guidance mechanism.In carrying out registration, carving official seals, applying for invoices, insurance registration of enterprise units, employee registration, housing provident fund enterprise deposit registration and bank appointment opening all links, the implementation of major investment projects "one to one" service, key services for the "four clusters" and "six new industries" enterprises, and tracking services for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises.
   2. Strengthening project support services.Actively play the role of provincial, municipal and county project centers, closed-loop coordination to solve project problems, implement the "project center + President" working mechanism, hold project financing roadshow activities, and promote the implementation of the project as soon as possible.
   (3) Implementing deputy agency services.Government service centers at all levels have set up service offices to help enterprises, established and improved the mechanism of government service assistants, and actively provided services to enterprises.
(4) Strengthen efficient communication with private enterprises.Establish and improve the multi-level normal communication and problem solving mechanism with private enterprises, track and understand and analyze the development of the private economy, coordinate and coordinate policies and measures to promote the development of the private economy, and do everything possible to stimulate the vitality of the development of the private economy.
   (5) Implement a direct mechanism for enterprise demands.Based on the provincial government's "Internet + supervision" platform, the provincial CPPCC, the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Provincial government Service and digitization Bureau, the provincial market Supervision Department and other enterprise demands reflect channels, real-time reception of CPPCC members, the Federation of industry and commerce, business (association) and various business entities reflect demands. The key demands reflected by enterprises are classified and summarized, and reported directly to the provincial government with "Civil Voice Summary" and "Inspection Special Report", and a tracking mechanism is established to promote efficient response to enterprise demands, and the results are reported to the provincial government in a timely manner.
   6. Strengthening government investment project services by category.We will speed up the examination and approval of government investment projects in support of safeguards and upgrading projects, and promote the review and regulation of ongoing government investment projects.
  (7) Implementing scenario-based approval of construction projects.The construction project is divided into 10 project types according to the investment method and construction content, and the flow chart and service guide are drawn according to the scene, and the approval service is refined and standardized according to the list of one scene.
   (8) Improving the efficiency of administrative filing in the field of transportation.Compress the time limit for the filing of the bill of quantities of highway project construction contracts, the filing of the highway maintenance project plan, and the filing of the safety operation of inland waterway navigable waters, and the time limit is changed from 30 working days to the window on-site completion.
   (9) Optimize fire control administrative examination and approval.Implementation of public gathering places put into use business notification commitment system, standardized procedures; If the method of notification commitment is not adopted, the on-site inspection shall be compressed from 10 working days to 5 working days.
   Third, standardize the regulatory order and create an open, transparent, fair and just legal environment
Focus on the abuse of administrative discretion in the process of administrative law enforcement, sports-like law enforcement, "one-size-fits-all" law enforcement, simple and rough law enforcement, brutal law enforcement, excessive law enforcement, mechanical law enforcement, profit-seeking law enforcement and other inaction and disorderly conduct, and fully implement the "advance report, on-site evidence, code inspection, and post-evaluation" administrative inspection law enforcement supervision and management mechanism. Implement the "five-stage" law enforcement model of law publicity, education and guidance, warning and reasoning, administrative punishment, supervision and rectification.
   10. Improving the benchmark system of administrative discretion.We will promote administrative law enforcement departments at all levels to fully implement the benchmark system of administrative discretion, strengthen the dynamic management and filing review of the benchmark of administrative discretion, standardize the exercise of administrative discretion, and effectively improve the ability and level of law-based administration.
   (11) Fully implement the intelligent management of administrative inspection and law enforcement filing.At the provincial and county levels, the implementation of the administrative inspection law enforcement supervision and management mechanism of "advance report, on-site demonstration, code inspection, and post-evaluation" is implemented, starting from the source, tracking the whole process, forcefully regulating random inspection and law enforcement, and continuously regulating the supervision order.
   (12) Promoting inclusive prudential regulation.We will fully implement the "first violation list with impunity" system, strengthen the dynamic management of the "first violation List with impunity", and revise and improve the contents of the list in a timely manner in accordance with the enactment, reform and repeal of laws, regulations and rules. We will dynamically adjust the "four lists" of inclusive prudential supervision and law enforcement, improve the working mechanism of "one case and three books", and guide and urge business entities to operate according to law through inclusive prudential supervision methods such as persuasion and education, persuasion and demonstration, administrative suggestions, administrative guidance, administrative interviews, administrative warnings, administrative return visits, and law enforcement.
   13. Deepening compliance reform in administrative law enforcement.We will actively promote the pilot work of compliance reform in the field of administrative law enforcement, and promote the lawful and compliant operation of enterprises and their long-term and stable development.
   (14) Improving the quality and efficiency of handling enterprise-related cases.The first time to accept all kinds of alarm for help, the first time to dispose. We will establish a "green channel" for handling enterprise-related cases, quickly investigate, quickly handle and quickly close all kinds of cases that infringe on the property rights of enterprises and the legitimate rights and interests of business operators, and make every effort to recover stolen goods and damage. Comprehensively carry out the "code supervision" of receiving reports and filing cases, smooth the channels for the supervision of law enforcement by the masses of enterprises, deeply promote the evaluation and investigation of "legal police read 10,000 volumes" cases, and establish the internal law enforcement supervision system of public security organs.
   (15) Promoting joint law enforcement inspections in the field of work safety.Through the linkage of the upper and lower levels of the emergency system and the joint efforts of the relevant departments of enterprise safety supervision, the "root clearing" inspection of the security risks of enterprises is carried out. Through hierarchical supervision and joint law enforcement, reduce the frequency of inspections, further help enterprises fundamentally improve the level of production safety, and avoid "repeated inspections" of hidden problems.
  (16) Implementing flexible fire control law enforcement.No penalty shall be imposed on those illegal acts whose circumstances are minor, corrected on the spot and have not caused harmful consequences; The case of administrative punishment ordered to stop production and business or stop use shall be subject to examination and approval at a higher level; Prudently apply administrative coercive measures such as temporary seizure.
  Fourth, dredge the blocked points and difficulties, and create a unified, efficient and orderly competitive market environment
Focus on the pain points in the whole life cycle of the main business, with the reform of new tactics, hard measures to reduce the burden, and make every effort to solve the problems of enterprise access application materials, high operating costs, and cumbersome cancellation procedures.
   (17) Optimize the handling of administrative licenses in the field of market supervision.Improve the license e window through the system, through the optimization and re-engineering of the work process, the license application materials are further reduced by more than 25%, the processing time is further reduced by more than 50%, and the administrative license in the field of market supervision is achieved by the "One Netcom office".
   (18) Promote the reform of "one code of license" to improve quality and efficiency.Comprehensively sort out the list of reform matters, increase the number of high-frequency licenses included in the scope of the joint office from 44 to more than 50, and promote the synchronous acceleration of access to the quasi-camp.
   (19) Implementation of enterprise cancellation "one time". We will improve the guidelines for business entities to cancel services, and allow business entities that have not carried out production and business activities to cancel registration in accordance with simple procedures. Promote business entities to cancel the "one time", and implement market supervision, taxation, human resources and social security, provident fund and other departments to handle matters "one window acceptance, one network declaration, parallel approval."
   20. Improving the guarantee system for bidding and bidding transactions.The bid inviter of government-invested construction projects is encouraged to reduce or waive the bid security deposit for the bidding enterprises with good credit. Within a certain range, the pilot implementation of credit commitment letters instead of bid security, to further reduce institutional transaction costs.
   21. Thoroughly implement the fair competition review system.We will intensify cross-inspection efforts in industries and fields such as education, medical care, bidding and government procurement, and effectively prevent the introduction of policies and measures that exclude or restrict competition.
   Fifth, to standard the needs of enterprises, to create a diversified supply, ensure a strong element environment
Focus on the low level of conservation and utilization of project land, structural shortage of labor, and high threshold of financing pledged loans, and take multiple measures to improve the quality of factors, strengthen supporting services, and improve allocation efficiency.
   (22) Establish a digital supermarket of existing land.The production of stock land investment maps of cities and counties, the approval of land not for use, idle land, inefficient land "above the storage", put on the supermarket shelves, and accelerate the construction of stock land "reading cloud" investment platform of Changchun City.
   (XXIII) Optimize real estate registration.Promote the integration of real estate registration platform and financial platform, deepen the "total to total" business coordination of "natural resources + finance" online, and achieve simple and efficient "one-stop" handling of mortgage loans and mortgage registration.
   (24) Optimize the handling of planning permits.Promote Changchun and Jilin to carry out construction land planning permits, construction project planning permits and land supply procedures at the same time.
   (25) To promote the recruitment of enterprise staff "one time".We will fully implement employment registration, social security card application and other services at one time, and promote the reform of the integration of employee recruitment and employment insurance registration. We will provide direct subsidies for social insurance subsidies for enterprises to attract employment, and support enterprises in hiring more key groups.
  26. Strengthening the implementation of human resource policies.Timely implementation of high-level talents, highly skilled talents, college graduates and other policy treatment, for qualified talents to achieve the policy of "application and enjoy."
   (27) Consolidating and improving electricity services.Within the scope of urban planning and construction land, the investment interface of supporting power grid projects will be extended to the red line of building zoning of customer projects. Build a "open door to receive electricity" characteristic service brand, implement distribution network planning in advance of major projects, advance docking electricity demand, prepare power supply schemes in advance, and promote project electricity "that is, apply and do".
   (28) Improve the quality and efficiency of financial services and solve the financing problems of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.Increase financial services, further carry out the first loan expansion action, and strive to add 10,000 new business entities of the first loan, add 20 billion yuan of the first loan, and effectively enhance the sense of financial gain of business entities. Promote the "credit easy loan" model, build a bridge between banks and enterprises, guide various business entities to enter the "credit easy loan" platform, and strive to break through 1 million households. We will reduce the financing costs of enterprises, and the financing guarantee rate for small and micro enterprises by government financing guarantee institutions will not exceed 1%.
   (29) Actively promote tax refund reminders.For all kinds of business, such as the final settlement of enterprise income tax refunds, the wrongful collection of overpaid tax refunds, and the retention of value-added tax refunds, automatic identification of enterprises and automatic push reminders will be implemented to improve the efficiency of enterprise tax refunds.
   (30) Improving innovative demonstration services.Innovation capacity training will be carried out to improve the service level of practitioners in provincial-level demonstration bases of mass innovation and innovation. Carry out the evaluation of provincial entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases, and actively provide legal, financial, financing and other "one-to-one" services for enterprises incubating in entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases.
6. Promote the construction of integrity, and create a credit environment of honesty and trustworthiness, compliance and commitment
We will address the problem of dishonesty in government affairs, rectify delinquent accounts of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, give full play to the role of social credit, promote the application of credit, and enhance government credibility.
   (31) Promoting integrity in government affairs.Resolutely correct the "new officials ignore the old accounts" and "beat the drum to pass the flowers" and other acts of government dishonesty, administrative organs at all levels to make a list of commitments made in accordance with the law but not fulfilled in place, and clarify the rectification measures and completion time limit. Establish a coordination mechanism for administrative integrity litigation enforcement in various regions.
   (32) Promoting the enforcement and resolution of cases involving the government.We will give full play to the role of the linkage mechanism between the government and the courts, and rectify defaults by state organs, public institutions and state-owned enterprises in arrears of accounts owed to small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, focusing on the problem of long overdue arrears (including arrears confirmed by effective judgments of people's courts and arrears applied for enforcement by creditors).
   (33) Deepening the reform of credit substitution certificates.Provide convenience for enterprises to invite in and go out, realize cross-regional mutual recognition of credit reports with regions that have implemented the reform of substitution certificate, and orderly expand the substitution field of credit reports.
  (34) We made solid progress in the "credit improvement" campaign.The establishment of a list of minor errors exempted from inclusion in the abnormal business list, for the enterprise public information there is a slight error, the degree of social harm is small, and the prompt modification and improvement of the performance of the obligation of publicity are not included in the abnormal business list. The implementation of the breach of trust reminder, warning reminder and business guidance for the business entities that are about to be listed in the abnormal list of operations or the list of serious illegal breaches of trust.
   7. Optimize port services and create an open environment for win-win cooperation and inclusiveness
Focus on issues such as the need to optimize the customs clearance process and improve the intelligence level in the course of regional opening up and development, deepen the reform of customs clearance facilitation, reduce the cost of customs clearance, and improve the timeliness of customs clearance.
   35. Improving customs clearance facilitation.We will promote the application of "single window" for international trade, optimize the customs inspection operation mode, implement a proactive disclosure and fault tolerance mechanism, encourage enterprises to conduct self-inspection and self-correction, deepen the reform of customs clearance operations such as "declaration in advance", and constantly improve the level of customs clearance facilitation.
   (36) Reducing the time for tax rebates for export enterprises.Strengthen the coordination of departments, promote classified management, and compress the average processing time of export tax rebates for first and second class enterprises in the province from 3 working days to less than 2 working days.
  8. Safeguards
   (37) Strengthen organizational leadership.Deepen the working mechanism of "five-level secretaries grasping the business environment", and establish a work pattern of provincial overall planning, comprehensive coordination of business environment construction offices at all levels, and coordinated promotion of all localities and departments. We will further consolidate the working mechanism for the "leader" to coordinate and promote the construction of the business environment, strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting on major business environment matters, supervise and handle cases that seriously damage the business environment, and promote the continuous optimization of the business environment.
   (38) Ensure overall improvement.All localities and departments shall, in light of the actual work of their respective regions, departments and systems, formulate implementation plans, formulate task lists, refine implementation measures, and clarify work responsibilities. The provincial business environment construction office shall, through digital means, conduct real-time monitoring of the optimization of the business environment in all localities and departments, organize and evaluate, timely discover good experiences and good practices, comprehensively promote and copy, and lead and drive the overall improvement.
   (39) Pay close attention to rectification and rectification.Focus on the industry regulatory problems, business entities reflect strong damage to the business environment, carry out normal rectification, through transparent and covert visits to find and urge the relevant responsible entities and administrative departments to target treatment, source management of a number of regulatory diseases and service chaos, draw a comprehensive, multi-angle, deep-level self-inspection and rectification, truly rectify a problem, solve a class of problems, Promote the improvement of service efficiency of various industries and departments.
   40. Strengthening publicity and guidance.All localities and departments should make full use of press conferences, government websites, newspapers, radio, television and all kinds of new media to actively carry out publicity and interpretation of key action measures to optimize the business environment, expand coverage and awareness, and constantly enhance the satisfaction and sense of gain of business entities.
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