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The stable development and integration of the food industry promote transformation and upgrading

   2016-04-06 IP Jilin 87
        2016 is the first year of the 13th Five-Year Plan, and its importance is self-evident. Under the environment of stock market collapse and high risk property market, the economic downturn is difficult to avoid, and the food industry, as an industrial industry, plays a mainstay role in this critical moment. Regardless of the latest announcement of the "2015 food industry economic operation", or just ended soon Two sessions All convey a voice, while China's food industry runs smoothly, it is also facing industry reshuffle.

People depend on food, just five words can be seen the importance of the food industry to the people and even the country. In the report of more than 19,000 words, several times mentioned the development of the food industry related issues, which shows the importance of China's food industry.

The recent announcement of the 2015 food industry economic operation shows that China's food industry assets accounted for 7.1% of the national industry, the main business income accounted for 10.3%, and the proportion of main economic indicators compared with 2014, there are varying degrees of improvement. China's food industry has generally maintained healthy development, stable production growth, continuous optimization of industrial structure, continued improvement of efficiency, expansion of investment scale, and stable operation of low prices.

In 2015, China's food industry has achieved satisfactory results, but it can not be ignored that China's food industry to "small, scattered, low" based pattern has not changed fundamentally. In addition, frequent food safety problems have also caused people to gradually reduce trust in domestic food.

China's population base is huge, as everyone needs the necessary products, the food industry is a huge cake. Foreign food industry giants will naturally not let go of the opportunity to make profits, have poured into the domestic market. Global multinational food groups through the capital restructuring, the use of patented technology strategy and human resources advantages, through new product development and quality and safety assurance to obtain a certain market advantage. In the face of the aggressive international food giants, China's food enterprises still have many problems to solve.

Steady development

The food industry in China has become the largest pillar industry of the national economy, and even one of the industries with the greatest potential for sustainable development. In recent years, the internal and external environment facing the development of China's food industry has undergone great changes. Faced with the deepening impact of the international financial crisis and the dual challenges of slowing domestic economic development, China's food industry has maintained a relatively stable growth.

In 2015, the fixed asset investment of the food industry exceeded 2 trillion yuan, reaching 2,020.57 billion yuan, an increase of 8.4%, and the growth rate was 0.3 percentage points higher than that of the manufacturing industry. Investment in the food industry accounted for 3.6% of the national fixed asset investment, which was slightly lower than that of the previous year. The joint pull of investment and consumer demand has made the food industry maintain a stable and healthy development.

In terms of import and export, according to customs statistics, in 2015, China's import and export of food 991.8 billion yuan, down 0.7%. Among them, the export was 38.057 billion yuan, up by 1.6%; Imports were 611.23 billion yuan, down 2.1%, and the trade deficit was 230.66 billion yuan.

Although from the data point of view, China's food industry development is relatively stable. However, it can not be ignored that the long-term backlog of various problems still plagued the industry can not get out of the "puzzle", and if these problems can not be effectively and properly solved, it will directly affect the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

Some insiders pointed out that in developed countries abroad, the food industry has transitioned into a capital-intensive industry, while in China, most food enterprises are still labor-intensive industries. There is no denying that, backed by the demographic dividend, China's food industry has been rapid development in the past. In recent years, with the acceleration of the pace of aging of China's population, the demographic dividend is being diluted, the labor market is under pressure year by year, and the labor cost is gradually rising.

The impact of the declining demographic dividend is clearly reflected in the international market. China's competitiveness in the international market to a large extent depends on the comparative advantage of labor, but with the rise of labor costs, this comparative advantage is gradually being compressed, which has a substantial impact on the local food industry enterprises, which are not superior in capital, management and technical level compared with foreign multinational enterprises.

In addition, all sectors of society are becoming more and more active in building ecological civilization, and building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society has been placed in a prominent position in the strategy of industrialization and modernization. After entering the "13th Five-Year Plan", for some food industry, in the face of resource and environmental constraints, the extensive development of high energy consumption and high pollution has been difficult to sustain, and the pressure on enterprises to save energy, reduce emissions and reduce consumption is huge, and the task of transformation and upgrading is increasingly difficult and urgent.

Integrated acceleration

In order to effectively solve a series of problems encountered by China's food industry, the state has also made relevant requirements for the future development of the industry, the most important is to promote the merger and integration of enterprises and accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure.

The state mentioned in the "13th Five-Year Plan" that it will continue to eliminate backward and excess production capacity, focusing on grain processing, meat slaughtering and processing (slaughtering equipment), fermentation, brewing, dairy products and other serious overcapacity areas, establish and improve the capacity monitoring and early warning mechanism and overcapacity withdrawal mechanism, and resolutely eliminate backward production capacity with high energy consumption, low yield, and substandard environmental protection. Encourage industrial agglomeration development and guide food processing enterprises to gather in industrial parks; We will promote mergers and reorganizations in key industries and cultivate and strengthen our own brands. Promote industrial transfer, seize the opportunity of industrial transfer in the adjustment of regional structure, actively build an industrial transfer platform, docking industrial transfer projects, guide food processing enterprises with technological advantages in the eastern coastal areas to invest and build factories in the central and western regions with resource factor advantages, and optimize the regional structure of the food industry.

Today, the global food industry competition is developing in the direction of intelligence, environmental protection, intensive, high value-added, some experienced and strong multinational enterprises through capital operation, technology and talent monopoly and other competitive means, in the fierce market competition to obtain the first mover advantage and enough voice.

"China's food industry still lags behind foreign companies in product development and enterprise management, and most of the companies are small and unrefined, and lack competitiveness in the international market and even in the domestic market." Wang Sisi, an industry researcher at China Enterprise Network, said in an interview with a reporter from China Sankei News that industrial integration can be said to be a clarion call for local enterprises to sound the defensive battle, and to break the bad layout of the industry's past "small, scattered and low" by adjusting the industrial structure.

Wang Sisi said that research and development and innovation are the basis for the development of the industry. In the face of the competition brought by international enterprises, the integration between enterprises can reduce unnecessary price competition, so that enterprises can concentrate more energy on the research and development of new products, so as to improve the added value of the product itself, which is not only conducive to improving profits but also help increase the market share of the product.

In the past, although China has set a series of relevant entry thresholds for the food industry, it is not very high. Due to the urgent need to upgrade the domestic industrial structure, the state will further accelerate the pace of promoting the merger and reorganization of food industry enterprises and improve the entry threshold of related industries, in this context, the integration of the food industry will accelerate, the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises and the pressure of technological transformation will surge, China's food industry will face a reshuffle.

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