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    • Brand name: Aston Martin
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-14
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 731
    Brand introduction

    An Aston Martin

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    AstonMartin, based in Guyton, England, produces open-top station wagons, racing cars and limited-production sports cars. It was founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Class.
    It was acquired by Ford in 1987. In 2007, Prodrive boss David Richards bought Aston Martin from Ford for $925 million.
    Aston Martin and RobertBamford formed the company in 1913 under the name Bamford & Martin. Its brand has always been a sport of chic shape, fine workmanship and excellent performance Sports carSynonymous with the sports car known as Rolls-Royce. Martin was a race car driver, and Bamford was an engineer, and in 1913 the two began working together to build high-end racing cars, the company was then called Martin Bamford and Company, and in 1914 they produced a car of their own [1]  .
    In 1994, Aston Martin became a wholly owned subsidiary of Ford Motor Company. In addition to providing it with financial security, Ford also provides it with Ford's technology, manufacturing and supply systems around the world, as well as support for the design and development of new products, so that this pearl of luxury sports cars can regain its charming charm.
    In 2007, Ford sold Aston Martin to a joint venture between Adeem Investment of Kuwait, Investment Dar and British businessman John Sinders for $925 million. Starting with the DB5 in the 1964 James Bond film Goldfinger, many Aston Martin cars have contributed to Bond's surprise victories.
    Aston Martin famous brand models are as follows: DB5, DB6, DB7, DBS, Vantage, and Vanquish ONE - 77.
    In July 2013, Aston Martin jewelry brand Greater China Home luxury store opened in Guangzhou Friendship Ring City East Road store
    Aston MartinThe car is marked as a flying one roc, indicating the image of the company Roc birdThe same, with a dash of speed and ambition from the sky. Note separately AstonThe English words of Martin indicate that it is a "three-knot" car company.
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