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The 2021-09
Cough orange pill | after end of heat, always cough non-stop?
Why does End heat always cough? 1. Eventful autumn "place" means the end, refers to the hot summer to draw a full stop, gradually open the prelude to autumn. At this time is in the alternating season from hot to cool, the weather is changeable, easy to cause disease, it is not an exaggeration to say that "troubled autumn". 2." Lung "is the key as the saying goes," spring nourishing liver, summer nourishing heart, autumn nourishing lung, winter nourishing kidney, four...
The 2021-09
Yangxue Rongjin Pill | 40 waist, 50 shoulders, 60 ears: this is me at 30 years old?
Forty waist, fifty shoulders, sixty ears, this seems to be a cliche proverb, but from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine blood operation, this is true. Many people over 40 years old, will feel easy to tired, back pain, but almost everyone will laugh at themselves, anyway, old age, problems are normal. However, the young found that the waist is not good, always feel weak waist acid, which is actually a warning! ...
The 2021-09
Ginseng spleen-strengthening pill | seize the golden season of nourishing spleen
"Weakness of the spleen and stomach "? Loss of appetite "? What is the connection between the weakness of the spleen and stomach that we often talk about and our body? Today let's take a closer look at this energy transfer station in the body, the spleen and stomach. The spleen is the "acquired nature". The spleen and the stomach are two organs, because the spleen meridian and the stomach cross-linked to form the relationship between the exterior and the interior, it is often commensurate with the spleen and stomach. Why is the spleen and stomach...
The 2021-09
Huoxiang Zhengqi water | to loosen heat Please use me in the right place
First of all, we should exercise more to regulate qi and blood. Coinciding with the Dragon Boat Festival just after, rain, hot weather, coupled with work, study pressure, human physiological Qi and blood running is not good, it is easy to be irritable, depressed, palpitations chest tightness. Emotional changes, will affect the function of the viscera, may also lead to mental disorders, Chinese medicine has joy sad, anger hurt the liver, sad spleen. Through strengthening the exercise to regulate the spleen, stomach, heart and lung Qi, the whole body of Qi and blood...
The 2021-06
Compound Danshen tablet | Long stay up late = sudden death? How to remedy the harm caused by staying up late?
On December 29, 2020, a 23-year-old employee of an e-commerce platform worked overtime until the early morning, and finally died on the way home from work. On January 1, 2021, Sun Qiao Lu, the actor of "Balala Little Magic Fairy", died at the age of 25, the cause of death was suspected to be sudden death from heart attack; On the evening of January 5, 2021, the 27-year-old well-known fashion blogger "Brahmaputra Woman" was on a plane from Beijing to Shanghai.
The 2021-06
In the hot summer, pulsar drink arrives!
Summer is the most Yang season, the climate is hot and vigorous. At this time is the period of metabolism, Yang outside, Yin inside, qi and blood operation is correspondingly vigorous, active on the surface of the body. Summer health focus on mental adjustment, maintain a happy and stable mood, avoid great sadness, so as not to help heat, fuel the fire. So how do we raise them in summer? What should be done? Summer...
The 2021-06
Maren Runchang pill: moisten bowel, constipation is absent
There is an unspeakable distress, it is not mysterious, but constipation. How does constipation get to you? Let's look at some of the real victims. Case ① Current situation of contemporary young people, skewer hot pot barbecue round, mouth said stomach can not stand, under the class as usual beer dirty waist small barbecue. The mouth feels good, but the stomach feels bad the next day. Repeated gastrointestinal warnings, all of them...
The 2021-05
Suoyang Gujing Pill: warming kidney and strengthening essence
As the weather warms up, children chase and play in the park, showing full vitality and energy, which many adults envy. Although modern people do not worry about eating, wearing and using, adults often suffer from the mental pressure of work and life, especially mental workers, often sit in the office for a whole day, lack of exercise and excessive thinking, resulting in excessive consumption of kidney. When a man's kidney doesn't...
The 2021-05
Zuo GUI Wan: Talk about those things kidney Yin deficiency
Today we talk about kidney Yin deficiency, talk about Tongrentang Zuogui pills. Hair loss Getting Worse? Sore waist and knees? Insomnia and forgetfulness? These heart problems come down to kidney problems. The two words of kidney deficiency seem to give a judgment of people's ability all at once. But is this really the case? Today, let's talk about the topic of kidney Yin deficiency. First of all, what is kidney deficiency? ...
The 2021-05
Bezoar detoxification tablet: Removing fire, not as simple as you think
We often say that "fire", from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are real fire and empty fire. Solid fire refers to the syndrome of solid heat caused by excessive evil heat, which is mostly caused by six external sensations (wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire). In addition, excessive mood swings, excessive mental stimulation, dysfunction of viscera function, heat stroke, cold, colds, addiction to tobacco and alcohol, excessive eating of spicy, gluttonic fatty things, lack of sleep, etc.
The 2021-05
Invigorating qi and blood "gynecological holy medicine" Wuji Baifeng wan
For the two deficiency of Qi and blood caused by irregular menstruation, abdominal pain, low abdominal cold pain, weak weakness, waist acid legs soft, there is a "gynecological holy medicine" - Wuji Baifeng pills. This recipe originated from the "black chicken ball" and "white Fengdan" recorded in "Shou Shi Bao Yuan", has been hundreds of years, can be described as a long history. According to reports, at that time, the princess of the Ming Dynasty king Lu King was sick and her abdomen was bulging.
The 2021-05
Fire to distinguish between real and virtual, bezoar on the clear pill to solve the worry
Spring Yang rise, easy to disturb the human liver, gallbladder, stomach accumulation of internal heat, so it is easy to lead to heat poison inside sheng, wind and fire attack, often appear headache, dizziness, throat irritation, skin bumps, mouth sores, there is breath, urine yellow and so on. In addition, the mood is not good to lead to Qi and blood running, Qi qi stagnation, will also fire, this is the heart and liver fire, there will be red eyes, mouth sores and other situations. ...
The 2021-05
Pulse-generating drink: invigorating Qi and promoting fluid, collecting Yin and preventing perspiration
Shengmai drink is a famous prescription in ancient China, which consists of ginseng, ophiopogon and schisandra. Among them, ginseng is the main medicine, can greatly replenish the vitality, Liogon can nourish Yin and clear heat, schisandrae for collecting sweat, after the two flavors play an auxiliary role, three medicines, a supplement, a clear, a collect, together play the role of qi Shengjin, collecting Yin and stopping perspiration. Shengmai drink is a kind of Chinese patent medicine commonly used in clinical practice, which has the advantages of "supplementing Qi and promoting fluid, reinforcing Yin...
The 2021-05
To tell you the origin of flavored Xiaoyao pills
The word "carefree" in "Ci Hai" means "leisurely and complacent appearance". Because of the added flavor of the pill can relax the stagnation of the liver Qi, the stagnation of the blood, after taking the person's qi and blood flow unimpeded, comfortable and free, restore vitality, thus greatly improving the person's mental state, making people feel comfortable and happy, so there is a pleasant name. Supplemented Xiaoyao pill is the basis of Xiaoyao pill in the Song Dynasty "Taiping Huimin and prescription Bureau"...
The 2021-04
Do you understand the story of menopause big IP Kunbao Pill startup team?
When it comes to female menopause drugs, many friends will think of Kunbao pill, Kunbao pill group is divided into "from nature, from nature" green Chinese herbs, long-term use will not make people dependent. Kunbao pill can also "directly poke the lesion" and comprehensively improve the state of liver and kidney Yin deficiency in menopausal women, so as to achieve the effect of both strengthening and cultivating the root and symptoms. Kunbao pill has nourishing liver and kidney, regulating...