On the morning of October 16, 2022, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened in Beijing. Xi Jinping, on behalf of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC, delivered a report to the Congress entitled "Holding High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Striving for Unity in Comprehensively Building a modern socialist Country." Beijing Tongrentang Commercial Company quickly set off a wave of comprehensive study and implementation of the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress report. Party organizations at all levels carry out learning in various forms, take the promotion and implementation of the spirit of the report as an important political task at present and in the future period, accurately grasp the spirit of the essence, deeply understand the rich connotation, transform the learning effect into a strong driving force for the high-quality development of commercial companies, and make every effort to promote the spirit of the report into the heart and brain.