

Shopify Community AMA with Shopify Developers: The New GraphQL Product APIs

Join us Tuesday, June 18th from 11 am to 1 pm ET for a live AMA where our team will answer questions on the new GraphQL Product APIs announced in the 2024-04 stable API release.

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I want my header to be staying at the top whilst I'm scrolling down. I don't know how to do that, can anyone help me?
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I have 5 different collections in my store thats is because I have 5 different departments in my store (Electrical, Sanitaryware, Building Materials, ...
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Hi everyone,I want/need to add an option for customers to choose between two simple options during their checkout, preferably as two mutually exclusiv...
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Hi everyone,I'm switching from an old Shopify theme to a new one, and I'm encountering issues with the product page formatting. In the product descrip...
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Can you help me implement into my account a section in which when a product that is out of stock, to get a message for notify me when it is back in st...
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Hello, I am looking at Shopify and trying to understand the total cost of a store. If I started a 'Shopify Store for small teams' for A$114 per month ...
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Trying to add custom checkbox as mandatory for checkout information page. To block the progress of submittion, used useBuyerJourneyIntercept Hook. But...
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Good day. I have a problem and i am hoping i will get help of. My Online website keeps on showing my products as Sold out and even when i "Unchecked" ...
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Hi there I am somewhat new to shopify and this may be a rookie question, but i cant seem to get my head around it.I am having issues with the URL's. W...
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Hi all, I'm using the Symmetry theme and I would like that, when clicking on a product photo, the product details open on the same page or in a popup ...
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Long story short - according to our specific marketing needs (as we will engage different marketing team with different FB accounts) we need to integr...
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I have been trying to create a flow that once the customer pays the "overdue" order with PaymentTerms, then sends me an internal email notification. a...
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Hi,When customer click on checkout it redirect him to login page to choose login option or continuo as a guest to the checkout page. My problem is whe...
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I want to have a richtext section to enter my announcments. So i changed to code from this: {"type": "text","id": "text","default": "Welcome to our st...
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Hello Shopify Community, I'm seeking advice on how to adjust the swipe sensitivity for product images on my Shopify store. Currently, customers are fi...
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here is my website want the featured products to slide using mouse, can someone tell me what code I need to install
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Hi there, We just identified an issue that Google Analytics 4 and Google Ads captured incorrect item sold number (normally doubled our "Items purchase...
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Not getting the customer details like first name, last name and email after hitting the API.end point - admin/api/2024-04/customers.json
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Why are my Product pictures displayed a second time? Can someone help? URL. 
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Hi, we developed a sales channel, utilizing product_listing create, update, and delete webhooks for real-time updates.However, we receive a high volum...
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