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    • Brand name: Chrysler
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-21
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 1370
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    In 1922, the technology was formed by three engineers who were very famous in the industry at that time teamCame to Michigan to work exclusively for Chrysler. The technical team designed a car that Chrysler endorsed when it first saw a prototype. Chrysler had wanted to show the new ChryslerSix as a part of the New York Auto Show, but the show's operators refused because the model was not yet in production. So Chrysler parked the car in the lobby of the hotel, where many investors and exhibitors would pass, giving him a chance to find interested investors. Sure enough, a Chase Securities banker later signed an agreement to raise $5 million from Maxwell Motor Corp. Bonds to finance Chrysler's car development program.
    Chrysler models
    The original Chrysler sedan line consisted of six body styles. Chrysler explains why he created what he created dream"I am building the Chrysler Sedan because I have dreamed for many years that the public would have such a firm idea of the actual light car that it should not be too big, too heavy, and that there should be more than enough room for five people, and that it should be purchased and used. economy" The interview appeared in a Chrysler advertisement that was published nationwide in December 1923, shortly before the car's official launch consumerThe presentation will take less than a month. According to media reports, the engine of the new sedan is "designed and manufactured with little regard for cost, as the engine will help build the reputation of the brand." Another notable feature of the 1924 Chrysler sedan was its braking system: Lockheed four wheels Hydraulic brakeThe second is fitted to an average value car made in the United States. The braking system balances the distribution of braking force so that pilotAble to achieve a relatively high speed while maintaining control of the vehicle.
    In 1925, he remained president of the Maxwell Chalmers Motor Company when Chrysler decided to buy the company entirely. He founded the Chrysler Corporation on June 6, 1925. On June 17, Chrysler Corporation of Canada was formed, later renamed Chrysler-Canada.
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